Houston We Have Eye Problem!


Nov 10, 2016
Lumberton, North Carolina
hey y’all! I’m back with some duck drama!

Y’all know recently I added a new female for my drakes & was having a problem with the drakes fighting over who’s girl was who basically... I got that problem solved & now here we are with this! The past two nights I have just recently put Squirt(the new girl in town) in the big pen with Felix & the other pair... I was keeping her separate bc I didn’t want her to not be able to get away from the boys if she wanted- but everybody & eveything seems ok, even the mating, so I decided she would be ok....

Well, I think I was wrong!! The night before last she was dirty, but she didn’t look too bad-this morning was a whole different story! She looked terrible!! Not only was she flithy with feathers missing from her neck— her eye is swallon & had some guck coming out of it... which leads to the point of this post...

What do I do? What happened? Is it an infection? Did something poke her? Did his beck get her eye??— I of course rinsed it out with clean water & got the guck from around it- then I put about 3ml of saline solution in it- which made it look better... she doesn’t act like she feels bad, she’s still right up under everybody & doing her thing. What should I do about the eye? She will definitely be separated from Felix’s big butt tonight! I don’t think me or she is ready for her to be alone with Felix just yet!

*The top picture is of the bad eye, after I wiped the guck, but before I put in the saline.
*The bottom picture is of her good eye.
*you can clearly see she was put thru the ringer last night- poor girl.:(


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Looks like he may have grabbed her eye. So keep up with the saline and if that doesn't clear it up in a few days go and get Terramycin eye ointment or Veterycin Eye rinse. This happens when a drake is too rough. Hopefully she recover fine. But yes keep them separated Have you been keeping them in separate look not touch pens?
Yes, they have been separate- she says in a big dog kennel inside of the big pen- so she’s by herself, but not alone, so she doesn’t have separation anxiety. I made the mistake of thinking she would be ok. Thank you so much for replying! I’ve been so worried. Is it ok if I spray Vetericyn in her eye?? Would that help?
Ok, thanks!

Yes, I think you are right! When they are free ranging-everyone is fine, but she can also get Away if she wants too- there’s nowhere to go in the pin! I’m gonna keep the girls separate for bathtime & night time! That’s the best bet! Her eye is looking better this evening! Thank Jesus! I was worried! I think she will heal up just fine!:fl

The drakes have finally chilled out with the fighting- thank goodness! I know now is pretty much the peak of mating season, but when does it end??
Glad to hear your seeing some improvement already. They bounce back pretty quick as long as they don't keep having the abuse on an on. So you have a good plan.
Yes! Eye is almost completely healed! Feathers are even peaking thru- starting to come back! She is staying in the kennel- FELIX of course lays right next to the door, but its working out fine! Sassyfras & Flossy are on the other side of the pin, separated by chickenwire, until we get the other pin up! Sassy is too bust wanting to fight with Felix every other day to over mate Flossy!:rolleyes: He’s such a little brat! I spoke too soon about the boys being good! LOL! We got it worked out tho! Thank you for the help/support like always! You’re the best!:love

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