Hovabator Genesis Hatch, Feb-May! WITH CONTESTS!

I have her eggs in my incubator right now, including 5 lavender Ameraucanas. The lavs are hard to candle but I definitely see air cells and veins yesterday on day 10. All eggs she shipped to me made it without any cracks too
I have her eggs in my incubator right now, including 5 lavender Ameraucanas. The lavs are hard to candle but I definitely see air cells and veins yesterday on day 10. All eggs she shipped to me made it without any cracks too
Update! I candled at 8 days and only removed 3 clears:

12 Lavender Ameraucanas from Crystal Creek - Setting 10 out of the 12. 2 showed no development, but the others look good!
7 Welsummer X EE - Lost one of these to a stupid fumble fingers Cracked beyond repair, I opened it to see the still beating heart

3 Welsummer X White AM
12 EE X EE - most pretty hard to see through - I need a better flash light.
12 AM X EE - 1 clear, it had started to grow but stopped.
5 IA Blue pullet eggs - All developing! Hooray!

Setting 54!
I have a question about temps. The bator keeps very steady all the time and recovers quickly, BUT it seems to be running low between 98.8 and 99.1. I've never seen it near 100. Both thermometers I use are in agreement. I moved it to a warmer part of the house but that didn't help. I increased the house temp to 72 but it didn't make a difference either. The instructions say to leave it alone and trust the thermostat for the first couple of hatches before I try to make changes and I'm inclined to go with that since everthing is developing so nicely. Anyone have any advice for me?
Just started our first incubation ever
We have a Hovabator Genesis 1588.

Our main goal is hatching a few meat chicks from the Freedom Ranger roo and hens we kept over from last summer. This will be their first offspring and since the parents are hybrids, we don’t know what the chicks will look like. We also took the FR rooster to visit our DP laying hens for a couple of afternoons to see if his genes increase the meatiness of the DP breeds. He was never supposed to come face to face with our banties (because he weighs 15#) but some banty eggs have been looking fertile so I put one in the batch. Don’t know if this one is fertile or not.

So we have 22 eggs in the incubator…
12 @ Freedom Ranger X Freedom Ranger
5 @ FR roo X Rhode Island Red hen/ Buff Orpington hen (hard to tell their eggs apart)
4 @ FR roo X Easter Egger hen
1 @ FR roo X one of my banties (sneaky little girl)

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