How about a Thread for Embdens?

We are trying to hatch and bring up Goslings (embdens) with a small group of chicks, hybrid bluebells, which have all hatched at the same time. Pics to follow.
My babies are huge now at 5 weeks. They are fully feathered and are changing voices. Sadly I'm gonna miss their cute Lil peeps at me. I've recently noticed that my female Amelia has gotten gray feathers at the tips of her wings. I know this is normal for the breed but was just wondering if it only happens to females (my 2 boys don't have it) and if it will eventually go away. I don't mind the color I think it looks cute. Pics to come :)
My babies are huge now at 5 weeks. They are fully feathered and are changing voices. Sadly I'm gonna miss their cute Lil peeps at me. I've recently noticed that my female Amelia has gotten gray feathers at the tips of her wings. I know this is normal for the breed but was just wondering if it only happens to females (my 2 boys don't have it) and if it will eventually go away. I don't mind the color I think it looks cute. Pics to come
I've heard it said at first big molt they will lose them. look forward to pics.
Oh well at least I still got a Lil bit longer to enjoy them
They are so pretty, I have an Embden gander and love him so much. some one on here and I'm thinking her BYC call name is Wild peas said her Embdens didn't molt their grey feathers so maybe yours will keep them too.
They are so pretty, I have an Embden gander and love him so much. some one on here and I'm thinking her BYC call name is Wild peas said her Embdens didn't molt their grey feathers so maybe yours will keep them too.

Thanks. I've seen your gander and hes a very handsome boy :) I hope my boys turn out as handsome as him. Hmm maybe she will than. I'll have to wait and see what happens with hers.
Thanks. I've seen your gander and hes a very handsome boy
I hope my boys turn out as handsome as him. Hmm maybe she will than. I'll have to wait and see what happens with hers.
thank you for the Compliment, Samson is a very special boy, and oh my gosh wait till you see the ganders with their goslings. It is so precious. Sammy even raised Muscovy ducklings last year.
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 thank you for the Compliment, Samson is a very special boy, and oh my gosh wait till you see the ganders with their goslings. It is so precious. Sammy even raised Muscovy ducklings last year.

You're very welcome :) yay now I really can't wait for next spring. Aww that sounds adorable. You wouldn't happen to have a pic would you? I'd love to see one :)
He absolutely loved this duckling and her him, look at size difference and he was so gentle with her.

If you double click it will make the pic bigger.
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Omg that is adorable! That's a very cute pic I'm glad you shared :) the size difference is quite something. The duckling is like the size of his foot lol. That's awesome how gentle he was. I showed my bf and hes like wow thats cute. Are ours gonna be that big? (Referring to the geese of course). I told him of course they are :)

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