How about a Thread for Embdens?

I think I'll pass on the invite, although I'd love to come and visit and meet you and your flock in person but suppose to get into upper 50's here next week after we get through tonight, suppose to have freezing rain into tomorrow morning. Oh fun we'll all ice skate,.
Yuck! I think the weather yo-yo is worse than the sustained cold. At least you can prepare for it and go from there. Rain and freezing stuff? Not so much.
Beautiful birds Haunted!!

I'm in Ontario, Canada. It's cold....and there's 3 feet of snow on the ground. Maybe I'll give them some of my pigeon mix's called Crazy Chicken and it's almost a wild bird mix. Sunflower seeds, peanuts, millet, corn, etc. I've been reading they like veggies so I'll also buy on sale stuff when I'm shopping. Really appreciate the feedback and advice :))
Thanks for the welcome!
I'll give them some of the chicken grit I give to my pigeons then. I'm feeding them a mix of corn and wheat for now...going to add barley next pay cheque :)
Will that be a good enough mix for the winter? they're too fat if you ask me, I think they need to slim down a bit, previous owner was way over feeding them.
I forgot..I also have a rabbit :)
At the risk of looking like an idiot, I do that a lot, lol, where are you geographically? North, South? If in the north, you do not want skinny geese. They need the fat and from the picture, your pretty babies do not look fat to me. Don't mind me...I'm new to geese this year.
Beautiful birds Haunted!!

I'm in Ontario, Canada. It's cold....and there's 3 feet of snow on the ground. Maybe I'll give them some of my pigeon mix's called Crazy Chicken and it's almost a wild bird mix. Sunflower seeds, peanuts, millet, corn, etc. I've been reading they like veggies so I'll also buy on sale stuff when I'm shopping. Really appreciate the feedback and advice :))
Heres another bit of info along with the Crazy chicken give them the wheat. 3' of snow, nope i guess theres no grass to be had. Glad your here come back anytime we love to gab about our water fowl/chickens you name it. There even a place on here to talk about Pigeons I guess you've found it already.
I saw on the news that st George, which is about 5.5 hours away, will be in low 50s by the weekend. If I wasn't tied to the house, I'd escape camping. That would definitely be t shirt weather. We peaked at 27 degrees today, which was almost bearable.

Haunted, nice pics! How many and what kinds do you have? I love variety and have a few different breeds myself.... but no embden.
Beautiful birds Haunted!!

I'm in Ontario, Canada. It's cold....and there's 3 feet of snow on the ground. Maybe I'll give them some of my pigeon mix's called Crazy Chicken and it's almost a wild bird mix. Sunflower seeds, peanuts, millet, corn, etc. I've been reading they like veggies so I'll also buy on sale stuff when I'm shopping. Really appreciate the feedback and advice :))
Lol, you posted before I could. Seriously, those geese do not look fat. If their bellies were dragging on the ground I'd say yes, but this doesn't seem to be the case. Sunflower seed is good as is oats for filler. but with this cold and snow, I am giving mine scratch as well just so I know they have a high carbohydrate level to get them through the cold nights. Just my 2 cents.
What is "scratch" at the risk of sounding like an idiot :))
Our temps up here have been in the negatives... -15F and colder...have seen -25F a couple of nights...
Scratch is a mix of cracked grains. At those temps, I'd be offering them plenty of whole kernel corn.
I saw on the news that st George, which is about 5.5 hours away, will be in low 50s by the weekend. If I wasn't tied to the house, I'd escape camping. That would definitely be t shirt weather. We peaked at 27 degrees today, which was almost bearable.
Haunted, nice pics! How many and what kinds do you have? I love variety and have a few different breeds myself.... but no embden.
We were about the same for temps but the wind was still screaming. Now it's died down and dropping like a rock out there. Can't win, lol.

I have 5 Embdens, 4 Toulouse and a Ling-Ling. He's a Chinese gander that was sold to me as another Toulouse and I was so uneducated I had no clue. He's my beauty boy and has the 2 female Toulouse girls while the other idiots fight over who's the man. I also have the Pekins, giant and regular, and 5 Mallards in this group. there are more Mallards and pekins in the chicken house right now waiting to be introduced. Maybe if the weather really does warm up, next week. I'll bring them out for day trip to the pen and see how it goes.

I really like the Embdens. I'll never admit this to my Toulouse, but I think they are smarter than the Toulouse and have a lot more personality.

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