How Best To Mark Sebastopol Geese


9 Years
Jun 19, 2014
Central Coast, California
We have 6 adult Sebastopol geese, 4 females and 2 males. I have put colored zip ties on their legs to help me identify them. We just built two seperate coops for them for mating season and I will seperate 2girls with one boy and keep the same trio together. The problem is with their feathers it’s very hard to see the zip ties on their legs. I have tried using food coloring but it comes off very quickly. Is there something I can put on them that will last? Squirting something on them would be easiest as they get pretty upset when I pick them up. Also this will help if I have to have someone else put them in if I am not here. Thanks
If you are trying to separate them into breeding pens, then they need to be separated through the breeding season. Letting them graze together allows the dominant gander to breed all 4 gooses and the 2 ganders to potentially fight. What I do is turn out each group for a few hours by themselves. Run them in their pen and turn the next group out. My ganders have always stayed close to the girls once they start sitting and usually only walk around for about 10 minutes before they return to the nest.
I highly recommend getting propper leg bands... Zip ties are dangerous because the birds could still grow or accidentally slide them tighter without you noticing and lack of circulation could cause permenant damage or even loss of their leg.
If you are trying to separate them into breeding pens, then they need to be separated through the breeding season. Letting them graze together allows the dominant gander to breed all 4 gooses and the 2 ganders to potentially fight. What I do is turn out each group for a few hours by themselves. Run them in their pen and turn the next group out. My ganders have always stayed close to the girls once they start sitting and usually only walk around for about 10 minutes before they return to the nest.
Thank you that is exactly what I plan to do when they start getting a little more aggressive. For now they are able to all go out together with out any fighting etc. We are already separating the trios at night and they are getting used to it. It is still sometimes hard to tell who is who and I mainly worry if I am gone and my mom or helper is doing it and doesn't know them as well as I do. I was hoping for some solution more visible.
I highly recommend getting propper leg bands... Zip ties are dangerous because the birds could still grow or accidentally slide them tighter without you noticing and lack of circulation could cause permenant damage or even loss of their leg.
Thanks I did not know that could be a problem as I assumed since they are full grown it would be fine. I will get proper bands. I appreciate your help I would never want to jeopardize their well being as they are our pets.
I use zip ties on mine and have for years. I've tried all the other bands. Spiral bands, flat numbered bands, and the alum bands. They always get them off eventually. I use a tie on each leg. Right leg indicates sex, left indicates year born. I put the ties on and leave them a little loose and clip the "tail" off the tie short so they can't get a hold of it and slide it down. I've done it this way for over 10 years with no trouble. Just my experience, not saying it'll work for everybody.
Thank you. My problem with just marking the legs is with the feathers of the Sebastopols it is hard to see the bands. At least now they are starting to know which coop is theirs and each trio is going towards their own coop. So hopefully next month while I am away it’s natural by then Sony helper won’t have any problems.
We have 3 Toulouse geese who we want to give names to, so we want to tell them apart. We thought about putting different color string necklaces on them--something loose-fitting that can't restrict breathing or other movement. Any thoughts?
We have 3 Toulouse geese who we want to give names to, so we want to tell them apart. We thought about putting different color string necklaces on them--something loose-fitting that can't restrict breathing or other movement. Any thoughts?

Anything around their necks would make me nervous.

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