Agree I also think no writing should be on the sides of the boxes for confusement! Also what about writing on the boxes, I would say "Live Embryos NO X-rays" on the top only, and if anything onthe sides just arrow ups

ALSO please see this I AM NOT SURE ON peanuts though, but this is a great example of bubble wrap and the way to actually wrap and set the eggs in the box........ THOUGHTs??

the video here is pretty convincing
Sally and All:
Just watched the video, very interesting and a method I could use. I just assumed that putting them in cartons would be the best, but I will admit that I am still learning! I feel like I am an honest person so I want to learn all I can so I can assume the responsibility (as much as possible) for a successful shipment and hatch rate.

I am learning a lot and I want to thank you all for the wonderful suggestions. I am taking notes
, so I can do a better job next time. Thanks again, keep em comin!!
Agree I also think no writing should be on the sides of the boxes for confusement! Also what about writing on the boxes, I would say "Live Embryos NO X-rays" on the top only, and if anything onthe sides just arrow ups

ALSO please see this I AM NOT SURE ON peanuts though, but this is a great example of bubble wrap and the way to actually wrap and set the eggs in the box........ THOUGHTs??

That video is incredible! Would have loved to hear what the hatch rate was on those eggs.
Agree I also think no writing should be on the sides of the boxes for confusement! Also what about writing on the boxes, I would say "Live Embryos NO X-rays" on the top only, and if anything onthe sides just arrow ups

ALSO please see this I AM NOT SURE ON peanuts though, but this is a great example of bubble wrap and the way to actually wrap and set the eggs in the box........ THOUGHTs??
this method of packing is prob the best i have seen, i highly encourage everyone shipping eggs to check out this link. the one thing i would suggest is that anyone recieving eggs packed this way should be very careful unpacking, if you watch the way he removes the wrap the eggs spin, not too healthy for the eggs. i also want to reming everyone that getting eggs to thier destination with intact shells is no indicator of thier hatchability. Having said that i still think this method is great. I would go one step further double boxing with cushioning between inner and outer box and i think you are giving the eggs thier best chance.
Here is my 2 cents.

I bought and sold, mostly bought hatching shipped eggs over the years.
It seems lately I am getting poorer hatches and it is progressive. I do not know if this is due to PO deteriorating service (no question about it with all recent labor and service cuts by USPS) or lousy and careless packaging, even by some "reputable breeders" so to speak.

The only good experience with shipping eggs this winter was eggs I received from Greenfire Farms (60% hatching rate and 100% healthy strong chicks), perhaps a of combination of excellent quality fertile eggs, professional packaging and 1 day express mail (costly but worthy with expensive eggs).

Sorry to say that several shipments of eggs from members of BYC (I will not mention any names) were total disaster, poor packaging, questionable fertility and hatch rate about 0.

So at this point when it comes to serious and pricey breeds, I rather buy pairs, trios, or shipped chicks, than eggs.

The only exception in my book are eggs from Greenfire Farms, I will not hesitate to buy eggs again from Green Fire, unfortunately they do not sell hatching eggs to often.
don't despair about lowering hatch rates, thats what we are trying to change, i would love it if you would share the packaging method used by greenfire farms. If it is a particularly good one lets all share it and hopefully use it. thanks for your post
Sally, thanks for posting that link to skyline, every single seller and shipper of hatching eggs should see that video, i don't know how to post a link but i will put the address up again, i hope this link keeps being sited by everyone, this is really valuable packing tecnique, as i said before i will pack this way, but i will double box with cushioning between the inner and outer box. The one type of packaging that seems worst as far as good hatch rates is the use of grocery egg is that video address.....
Ok, so no egg carton, interesting! So putting them on a pile of foam, packing peanuts, etc is better than a carton. Double boxing them, ok that seems like a good idea. I will do some experimenting before my next shipment. Plz keep bringing on the suggestions. I want to learn all I can.
checkout the video on about a great way to package.

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