how can I tell which of my rouen ducklings are drakes?


12 Years
Nov 16, 2011
east Tennessee
I think they are around three months old (have to check on the calender) and I don't see any curled drake feathers on any of them, although they aren't fully feathered yet, they do have tail feathers. The colors and markings seem almost identical on all of them. One seems to make more of a quacking sound than the others, is that the drake?

Can you post a pic? I think by 3 months you should be able to tell by what few feathers they have! I have 1 rouen who is 5 weeks old, and it was immediately apparent that its a SHE :)
I have Rouens and would love to know how you could tell by the feathers. I think one of mine is female because she does sound like she quacks sometimes. The only sound I have heard come out of it is the peeps. It seems like I can see sort of blue feathers coming out around there wings.
Huh I guess I might be wrong. I googled images of rouen ducklings of the same age as mine and I guess it DOES look like they all have the brown feathers when they first come in. blue feathers means drake though doesn't it?
sorry, i just checked the calender, and they are actually almost two month old, not three. here are the pics though. sorry for the huge pics.

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