How did you make your quail pen/cage?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Sep 17, 2010
Im new at raising quail and I have a few questions on how to make a cage.

I kinda want to do something like this:

1. What kind of wire do you use (for the bottom and for the sides/top) and how do you connect the wires?
There is a thread called "show me your quail pens"

That may give you some hints
The pen in the second video is using 1/2 x 1 inch wire, which is great if you can find it. You can find "j clips" and pliers to bend them at tsc or online at cutlers supply. If you're going to do very many, spring for the expensive pliers, your hands will thank you. You can also buy rings and pliers which are basically small hog rings. The first video shows sheet tin and 1 x 1 wire. You would need access to a sheet metal break to bend with, and I still can't figure out how he has the wire attached to the sheet tin. They are very attractive cages. Wouldn't mind a couple of those myself!

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