How do I re-tame my hen?

Unruly Chicken

In the Brooder
Jul 1, 2015
Ok, so a few weeks ago I bought a Blue Speckled Silkie and she was tamed when I bought her but my brother took some of my cousins in my coop and they were picking her up and throwing her trying to make her fly but she wouldn't, so they kept throwing her. Now she won't come to me or sit in my lap or eat out of my hand. I don't know how to tame her again what do I do?
She should come around, especially if she learns you won't do the same thing to her. Sit near her and toss some treats, such as insects, scrambled eggs, or pieces of wheat bread. Go over and pick her up. Set her on your lap and feed her some treats, then set her down so she knows you won't force her to stay.

I hope she comes around soon. Best of luck!

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