How Do You Determine The Sex Of Chicks?


11 Years
Oct 17, 2008
Duncan, Az, Poultry since 1995
i have read the details but they dont explain the age or how much to squeeze to see the male protrusion or lack of.
how many days old can you do this safely? how much pressure do you use? is there a diagram of what exactly i am looking for ?

thanks so much for your time!
happy hatching!
i completely understand your point of view, i have seen documenties in the past where a trained expert sex's many chicks in a short amount of time and has a high rate of success.

i am looking to be able to accomplish that for my own personal satisfaction.

have a good one!
i tried to do it on my older known 6 week old pullets so i would know what i was looking and i couldn't see good enough to tell what i was looking at and if i can't tell on a 6 week old there was no way i was going to try it on my little ones so i'm just waiting until they get start getting their combs and if i can tell then i;ll just wait until they crow or lay an egg
If you google vent sexing you will get more information. I agree with Fred's Hens though. I have thought about trying it and then thought about the damage I could do so I didn't.
I don't trust myself enough to do vent sexing.
I might pop the fragile chick, and then I could never live with myself for hurting it..or worse. So thats why I stick to looking at combs and waiting.

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