How do you store maple syrup?

sunny & the 5 egg layers

8 Years
Mar 29, 2011
I am interested in tapping maple trees this year and making my own maple syrup. I was wondering how to store the maple syrup? Do you store it in glass canning jars? Also, is there any chance of botchulism?
I hope you realize that it does not come out of the tree as "maple syrup." After it is processed I usually store it in jars in my refrigerator, however, I am told that if it is processed and canned it does not need refrigeration.
WE use sterile jars and snap lids boiled. Then dump into jars, whatever doesn't seal goes in fridge. The rest goes with our picles, in a cool dark place. There is probley a chance of botchulism. Like any other pickled food, but worth the risk, imo

Kids love it
OK, so now that we cleared up that the sap needs to be processed we can move on... Because the processing calls for heating the watery sap until it thickens, all possible bacteria is killed and I have never had any problems with anything like that. If you put the processed, hot syrup in sterile jars I am sure that you can keep it unrefrigerated. Otherwise, just put it in the fridge and my experience is that it lasts a long time. We only tap a few sugar maples for our own use so I do not bother with anything other then putting it in any container.
We do tap trees on our property.

It takes approximately 30 gallons of tree sap to make one gallon of syrup. Boil to 7 degrees over boiling point on the day you are cooking ( it varies day to day, based on barometric pressure and humidity) and put in hot containers with hot seals. The jar will seal itself.
We only do this for fun... no money making prospects, or the like... but I went out three to four times a day to collect sap and found my one gallon buckets overflowing!!!!
35 gallons of sap a day was the norm...

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