How does this look???


11 Years
Nov 24, 2008
My baby has angel wing I dont have tape so I wrapped an ace bandage on him...How long should it stay on? Does it need to be really tight or loose? Does it hurt him pushing the feathers in? He is 7 weeks old today..

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I think that should work . My one call started getting it and I used a pantyhose and after a few days and upping the greens it is all back to normal now.

hope you just need to do it a few days too
b.hromada :

Awwwwwww. Does it seem to bother the poor little guy? I think it looks cute, but I don't know what angel wing is??

I didnt know what it was either until I seen his wings were different than the other babies did some reading and learned it is when the wings grow outward from the body too much protein is what I have read...But my other 5 is fine...He isnt crazy about it..I dont know if it hurts not real tight he doesnt like to stand up he falls over but he will let me hold him thats a plus....​
Oh, I see what you mean now. The falling over thing would make sense because I would say the wings give him balance.
He sure is cute. I hope that this helps him with the problem. Keep us posted, okay.
they say boys are more prone to getting it so it will be interesting to see if ours both turn out to be boys. My other call's wings are fine

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