How long do chickens live for?(what the oldest chicken you've had?)

My oldest hen currently is an 8 yr old red sex link. The oldest chicken I ever had was over 11 when she died. We got her as an adult so can't be too sure about her age.
Im feeding my babies chick start and the are free ranged sometimes when I have time.

They are on regular layer feed and get to free range a couple times a week when someone is home. They don't run as fast as they used to but seem to be more aware of there surrondings. Its going to be a very sad day when they are gone.
I have a Rhode Island Red Rooster that is 7 years old and an old hen that I have no idea I just know shes very old. She wheezes like shes smoked all her life but shes good company for our old rooster so she stays
Consider that the oldest chicken on record was almost 30 years old.
It all depends on breed and how it is raised - The oldest one was a game, and go figure that. They don't lay much, are quite athletic, and an old, "original" type breed.
WOW poor old hen! The Game probably lives longers becouse they are a strong breed and don't lay much (it's just a very good breed i guess!).
In my experience, my standard-sized birds usually make it to 7-10 years old, and my bantams 10+. I have four bantams right now that are between eleven and twelve years old, and all but one are completely healthy and indistinguishable from my younger birds. The one who isn't as healthy just can't seem to keep much weight on even though I have her separated (she's actually raising some chicks she adopted, even though she wasn't broody), but otherwise she has good energy, eats well, and gets around fine. I won't be surprised at all if the three make it to 15+.

I've heard in rare instances, chickens have made it to twenty-five and older.

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