How Long do chickens live?

What kind of climate do you live in? Where I live the winters are very cold so a hen might not live as long as one in a warmer climate.
Eastern PA so we get hot summers and very cold winters, the coop has ventilation and windows open in the summertime to stay cool and in the winter they have a heat lamp and tons of extra hay to snuggle into if they arent roosting.
Is 8 years average for all breeds?
And when do they stop laying?
I live in New England, and my chickens free range from the time the wake up to the time they put themselves to bed.
I also provide layer pellets (and treats:rolleyes:).

I have hens that are over 6 years old and lay an egg OCCASSIONALLY. Still look fine and act fine. We get hot summers (90's) and cold winters (-10+). No heat in coop either, or ac

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