How long do chickens moult for?


11 Years
Apr 11, 2011
New York
My EE stopped laying 2 months ago, moulted last month and thought she was done. Now she's back to looking scruffy and no eggs
In the 30s all week. My favorite Dom, is so bald, she looks plucked. She waits till now??? My hens started molting about 3 months ago. One or two at a time. Right now, I have 5 in a disreputable state. The Dom is the worst! I wish they didn't wait until freezing weather to change their clothes. I know it's natural, but Wow, it's certainly startling. I'm hoping this last group, is truly the last. My chickens typically start looking (and acting better) in 3-4 weeks.
Mine take roughly 3 months. My first chicken to molt this year quit laying on 9/16 and she's all filled back in and her comb isn't looking shriveled anymore, so she should be starting back up soon.

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