How long until chicks cord scab falls off?


Chicken Juggler!
Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Nov 27, 2012
SW Michigan
My Coop
My Coop
First hatching for me so I don't know the answer to this question. I figure it takes a couple weeks but wanted some clarification to make sure I didn't need to do something.

1 week old chicks, most 'scabs' are very small.

Some are white, some are is rather larger and black because chick had some bleeding immediately after hatch for just a few minutes. Could see spots of blood on sponge in bator, but it stopped quickly so I didn't intervene. The scab is larger but there is no sign of swelling or irritation around the scab, chick is active, eating and drinking and dashing around regularly and seems fine.
I'm not sure what you mean by "scab"? Could you explain more or take a few pictures for clarification? I've never had a chick hatch with anything scab-like, so that is a bit concerning. Chicks will sometimes have their cords still attached after hatching, but that usually falls off within a few days.

Some chicks will also hatch with a poopy/yolky substance stuck to their butt. As far as I can tell, it happens when their first poo happens to be within the shell, and they weren't able to detach from that left over yolky strand. If you don't wipe it off, it can get caked to their butt. Because it's a poo/yolk/blood mix, it comes in a few different colors. It sounds like that's what your "scabs" are. Post a few pictures if you can, please!
Don't have pics...but what I mean by 'scab' is 'dried tissue'.
Some are dark like dried blood and some are white like dried skin/tissue.

These are my first chicks too, but you can clearly see and/or feel a hard bit at their navels.
Hi Aart,
On my last hatch, I had 1 chick with an unformed navel. I kept it clean, worried about infection - placed antibiotic ointment on it a few times daily, more often when she was younger (1 or 2 days old). Eventually it dried up into a scab, started shrinking, and fell off. Her belly grew together and is now covered by feathers. It fell off at about 1 week and looked normal by about 2 weeks old.

Here are pics..

hatched looked like this - there was no yolk sack in the egg or attached to her - just unformed navel

1 day old - ointment on navel

it starts shrinking (maybe 4-5 days old?) and forming a hard scab

today (2.5 weeks old) completely healed up
These are nothing like that.

What I have is probably perfectly normal, just wonder how long till it smoothed out.

I guess I should try to take a pic. Maybe tomorrow.
These are nothing like that.

What I have is probably perfectly normal, just wonder how long till it smoothed out.

I guess I should try to take a pic. Maybe tomorrow.
First time getting chicks today from tractor supply & they too are experiencing this scab. Were you able to figure it out and how to treat if it’s abnormal ??

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