How Long Will Free-Range Chickens Live vs Caged Chickens?


7 Years
Apr 29, 2012
Will free range chickens typically live longer than caged chickens?

(I hope that doesn't seem to be the wrong forum, this seemed to be the closest one to the topic)
If you mean caged like those found on factory farms where each hen is in a tiny cage -- the question isn't the quantity of life, but rather the quality that matters. And free range wins.
If you mean caged as in a nice sized chicken run that is predator proof in a predator prone area -- then penned would probably win. Especially one with a solid cover to keep wild birds out.
If it's free range vs factory farm the answer is broiler chickens 5-8 weeks, battery hens about 1.5 years. Free range chickens or rather chickens kept as pets will live up to 7/8 years. Provided they don't get sick, caught by a predator or turned into chicken soup.
I agree with the previous two posters. The typical backyard chicken kept in an enclosure with shelter and an enclosed run will live longer then a free range chicken. Chickens, especially hens, have very little defense mechanisms to protect them from predators. Hawks, owls, eagles, raccoons, large snakes, possums, weasels, fishers, dogs, wild cats, etc. all pose a threat to a poor defenseless hen.
I think it is common knowledge a cornish/rock cross typically only lives a few months before succumbing to leg or heart problems unless feed is severely restriced and plenty of exercise is available.. A battery hen kept in a small cage also has a decreased life span due to the conditions she is kept in.

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