How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Wattles and comb get bright red. Pullet squats on the ground and spreads her wings a bit when you approach. I noticed both of these things within days of my first eggs.

3 from 4 so far today, but the one that is missing has been laying late in the day, so there's still hope.

My Wyandotte that skipped yesterday laid a whopper today.

oh wow that means 2 of my pullets shall start contributing soon
7 / 11 today. I am expecting the last 3 of my BO to start any day now. I still don't think one of my tetras will ever lay an egg, all the other tetras have been laying since July 9th. Could she be 2 months behind them?.
We are usually getting 6 eggs a day out of 12 hens. One hen is molting (she looks awful, but the feather are growing in quickly); one more looks like she is starting to molt; and two of our hens are 2 1/2 years old so they don't lay quite as much as they used to. Our young ones (two red stars, a black star, an australorp and an amber white) are laying most of the eggs right now.

At six eggs a day, we can't eat them all, so we are giving them away to friends and neighbors.

Hey All,
Newbie here (and with my new hens) and getting VERY few eggs. I have 6hens and maybe getting 3 eggs (total) per week. I aquired the hens about 3 weeks ago, maybe four weeks, and just thought they would be laying more than that. Coop has 6 nest boxes. I do have 8 guinea's that are raising a racket Around the hens most of the time but the hens don't seem affected they even roost with them most nights. Not sure how old the hens are but I did get them from a farmer who lost his biggest egg account and had to reduce his bird numbers. I'm most likely doing something wrong but don't know what it is. Any thoughts would be really appreciated!
Oh, sorry, forgot to mention what kind of hens they are...
2 Americans (sp), 2 Plymouth rocks, 1 gray buff and 1 not sure. All the eggs are blue except for 2 that I've gotten that we're grayish tan. So I may only have 1 or 2 hens that are laying at all I can't tell! So, still not sure what to do. They free range more or less in a large area I have fenced in and seem to eating all day. They rarely touch the layer feed I have out for them but sure do drink a ton of water!
Okay, thanks if anybody has any idea's or comments!

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