How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Oh, sorry, forgot to mention what kind of hens they are...
2 Americans (sp), 2 Plymouth rocks, 1 gray buff and 1 not sure. All the eggs are blue except for 2 that I've gotten that we're grayish tan. So I may only have 1 or 2 hens that are laying at all I can't tell! So, still not sure what to do. They free range more or less in a large area I have fenced in and seem to eating all day. They rarely touch the layer feed I have out for them but sure do drink a ton of water!
Okay, thanks if anybody has any idea's or comments!
could be several factors( stress, new home, guineas, moulting, heat etc etc.....),can you find out how old your hens are? call the farmer you got them from? laying decreases as the hens age when they are young they lay several a week, are you sure they're not hiding them somewhere while free ranging? I don't have personal experience with blue egg layers but many breeds unless they're hybrid"super layers" don't lay 5-6 eggs a week
If I were you I'd lock them up in the coop and run for a week or so to see if you get more eggs and try to observe them more closley to see who is and who is not laying the eggs, a few hours on a weekend morning while your not working might give you more of an idea of whats going on?
4/4 again, I think 6 days in a row!!(good girls) now to get the 4 other pullets to kick it in gear! They will be 21 weeks old on Sunday and have the brightest biggest red combs I've ever seen on pullets, they've been squatting for two weeks, showing a bit of curiosity when Gertie lays (but hell who doesn't she cackles and squawks and lets the whole world know!!) I'm sure they're close come on ladies lets go!!!!
YAY!!! I found a hidden nest! so now we are getting 4/4. :D NOW to get the other eight moving...23 weeks tuesday! I'll threaten them with the crock pot!

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