How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

I am sorry to tell you may wait till spring now

Certainly a possibility. We did only just get that first white egg at 36 weeks old. The other 2 not laying are the same breed/same age as that one. We added light to the coop 2-3 weeks ago (for approx 15 hours of light a day) and saw an increase in egg production as the other layers had been decreasing their egg laying a bit. But, we have heritage breeds, so would never expect 1/day from each. It’s to the point of just sheer curiosity as to when the other two will lay their first egg!
I’ve got 16 hens, 6 pullets about 6 months old. I’m getting about 1-4 eggs a day. Last week had a total of 14!! I had to buy eggs.
When the laying gets light, I stop making things that use many eggs. Don't want to buy inferior eggs ;) and need to store up for Christmas cookie baking. 2 years ago I didn't have any spring pullets so I froze eggs when the girls were still laying. Since you have to lightly scramble (more like "mix"?) them, they don't make very good fried eggs ;) but are fine for baking, waffles/pancakes, scrambled and omelets.
Honestly this thread seems to be the buggiest for me on not getting notifications! I'm continuing on getting 3 most days, some days only 2. My Araucana pullet (29 weeks) that started laying a month or so ago only gave me about 8 eggs then stopped I'm guessing for the winter! Sill have lots of pullets coming through (Faverolles, Orps, marans and vorwerks) that are 22-25 weeks to start but I'm just presuming we'll wait until after spring and be happy if they do it before (as long as it isn't before I get a chance to build a proper next box - they are currently just using plastic tubs but they take up too much space!
I have been sick for 3 weeks now! I went back to the doctor today and they upgraded my bronchitis to pneumonia.
So sorry to hear that Karen - look after yourself xx
allot of us have not been posting here kinda missing it
I know - I have now worked out how to find the post in my 'watched' list so will keep more of an eye if I don't get the notifications!
2 years ago I didn't have any spring pullets so I froze eggs when the girls were still laying.
That is a good idea, not tried that yet.
I figured you were just busy celebrating Thanksgiving :lau:gig
:lau:lau:lau I dont' even know what date it is :lau:lau:lau

I have been flat out to be fair, mum was here until last week so doing lots with her. I'm also co-organiser of our village Christmas market this year so lots of meetings etc and I'm trying to stock my own stall for the first time for it. It is on next week so things should calm down a bit!

4 today for the first time in months :eek::celebrate
:lau:lau:lau I dont' even know what date it is :lau:lau:lau

I have been flat out to be fair, mum was here until last week so doing lots with her. I'm also co-organiser of our village Christmas market this year so lots of meetings etc and I'm trying to stock my own stall for the first time for it. It is on next week so things should calm down a bit!

4 today for the first time in months :eek::celebrate

Funny as I got older got busier doing those other things .... still at 9 to 11 a day out of 24 birds

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