How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

iv got 57 eggs in the last nine days there laying machines.
2 eggs most days 60-66 grams range. From a Buff Orpington and a NHRed. Second year laying. Maybe one or two days a week only 1 egg. Yesterday and very small egg 57 grams. Looks like my Buffs egg she lays smaller. Wonder if it could've been one of the Wyans. I don't think so because only 17 weeks old. Today both eggs over 60 and from the Buff and the NH Red.
2 eggs most days 60-66 grams range. From a Buff Orpington and a NHRed. Second year laying. Maybe one or two days a week only 1 egg. Yesterday and very small egg 57 grams. Looks like my Buffs egg she lays smaller. Wonder if it could've been one of the Wyans. I don't think so because only 17 weeks old. Today both eggs over 60 and from the Buff and the NH Red.

Welcome to our How many eggs thread kinda fun to brag about the numbers or whine about the lack of
Welcome to our How many eggs thread kinda fun to brag about the numbers or whine about the lack of
Can't wait for my Wyans to start. Every day it's a toss up, eggs or oatmeal, oatmeal or eggs. LOL If I decide to make cookies or a cake I have to eat oatmeal. When the Wyans start laying hopefully that might not be a problem. Funniest is that my HNRed lays the larger egg. She's smaller by probably .5 lbs lighter than my Buff. I handle both of them daily.
I have mostly birds from breeders no hatchery, EE many of them lay green... My newer birds are barred rock or cuckoo marans and a black copper marans... My cockerel's are a blue ameracauna and a black copper marans
I've been getting 5 or 6 a day. I was feeling sorry for myself, but after reading the posts, /I feel like I am right where I should be!:lau
One more day of antibiotics. Hopefully, I am over this now!! I plan to go to the doctor on Tuesday, if I can get in, just to get a 2nd opinion (after all, I'm not a doctor :lol:).

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