How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

6 eggs today. Our temps were only in the 30's as well. 20's for overnight. Super windy, brrrr....
We were below zero a few weeks ago. Nosey neighbor wanted me to insulate my coop. I put clear tarp around run. Small coop with 3 nest boxes. My 2 106 degree heaters, (1 Buff and 1 NHR) kept the sleeping quarters toasty. LOL. First thing in the morning I check their combs. So far always warm. Long necks to get under their wings. Buff has lots of feathers. She fluffs them right up. Snuggles into the straw and covers her feet. Now with 2 SLW the coop is fine. Close the door snuggle and go to sleep.
Tell the neighbor to get her own birds yours are healthy and happy ......
I ended with 8 main coop all silky broody with peeps counting three
She has a Great Dane that is as tall as I am at the shoulder. I'm a little over 5'. She also has twoE Bull Mastiff's. They are bigger than the Dane.When I first moved in the Bull Mastiffs just came into my house. Can I say it here? She's a Tree Hugger. Because her parents keep their chickens in the barn she's sure that my chickens must be freezing. And I had a young fellow taking care of them, when I went on vacation for 2 weeks. but she just had to come over and put some grass in the run. I have automatic feeder that holds 20 lbs of feed. 2 Hens. A month's worth and a 2 gallon waterer. It was September in Maine. He came twice a day. Collected eggs. Added bedding etc.

I don't have a fenced yard for them yet so I'm out there when they are free ranging. But I told her I was gonna have chickens and I am gonna put up electric fencing. Her husband quickly fenced in their yard.,
Okay lot's of fun neighbor would hate me ... I love trees but not a hugger myself
birds are chickens prehistoric or as close as we get.. they actually gave me 14 and 1 silky also now bedtime for old folks
My advice is the same as always. Tell the "chickens need a heated coop" lady to go to the nearest heated shopping mall with all her winter clothes on. NO unzipping allowed.

See how long she lasts before heat stroke takes her down.

Best idea I have heard for them, besides true tree hugger cannot OWN dogs either :gig:smack
Two again today! And Marlene's egg was actually pretty! No lumps or bumps all one color too, i'm not use to that at all she normally lays head scratchers. @WindingRoad I feel for you, my nosy neighbor calls here every molting season to tell me the girls look sick and I have to explain molting to her. She means well i'm sure, but it gets on my nerves a little bit.;)
I lost my run due to a tree branch on Sunday(really bad storm-no power for two days)I ended up bringing all the chickens and ducks inside because the run isn't safe.

No joke, they all laid an egg the last two days. I thought for sure the stress from the move and being inside would stop them, Nope.

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