How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

wow! sounds like you have an egg napper lol :D never had problems with snakes here or any predators had a problem where a coyote dug around the fence at night but every one was fine :)

Well, I would have had more pullets, but for 2 snakes.
One got two in the house, and one chick managed to escape to a fate in the outside world.
then another got into the pen where I had them when they were bigger
Lost 2 to unknown causes.
Plus one fried rooster that escaped the pen.

I also had, two days in a row, some chili plants nipped off.
I set a rat trap, one of those black ones like an alligator with a square jaw.
Used a glob of PB.
that nailed a pack rat.
I reset the trap, as there are usually at least two.
I nailed a pair of ground squirrels with it before, and a fewlarge nosey birds that tried for some of whatever bait was left.
The electric fence also nails some birds. they land on the wire, fall over, because it is a tiny wire, and get zapped when they contact the field fence...
I have seen a few snakes at times here, including a couple of King Snakes.
the others are rat/gopher snakes, and sometimes rattlers.
Have not seen any rattlers for a while though.
not to mention a plague of gophers, that dig holes all over the place.
saw a huge on above ground in front of the post office one day last year.

Today, I found one egg, so far, laid by Red, again.
collected it, and will put snake repellant around in a bit.
Too hot to do much at a time today.
maybe next year I will raise more chicks.
Want to get some Auricanas or other colored egg layers...
Not that the eggs taste any different, but sure are pretty.
I never saw any till I moved here, but my dad had a time back. and even may here have never seen green or blue chicken eggs.
I know my mother had not, but my one sister has, as I recall her saying.
She has a friend in Las Vegas that has chickens, and she has fed and collected eggs there at times.
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SarahInAlaska, what's a "leather" egg?   I've gotta

13/19 and the remains of a soft shell egg... just the papery shell left, so it would have been 14 if she had helped herself to the calcium...
It's what we call the "soft shelled" eggs because they feel all leathery like a reptiles eggs.
i only got 3 of 5 today. guess I'm going to have to have the chicken and dumpling talk with the girls again.
0/0 today. :( I'm not complaining after getting 2/3 yesterday. We added a RIR to our flock today (she is a sweetheart) and I spoiled her tonight in hopes she will help me hit 4/4 in the morning. I've saved the 3 eggs we've gotten already and we are going to have a big breakfast tomorrow morning. I'm excited to eat my first home grown egg!!!

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