How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

Great question. We have 9 hens and have been getting 8-9 per day. Suddenly, the number dropped to 3-4 per day. I'm wondering if our heat wave is a factor. Is in the 90's.

My friend sprinkled crushed red peppers into the chicken feed and every bird gave her eggs for a week.

Something about the peppers acting as a natural cleanser. Not sure lol. Wonder if that would give you spicy eggs
My friend sprinkled crushed red peppers into the chicken feed and every bird gave her eggs for a week.

Something about the peppers acting as a natural cleanser. Not sure lol. Wonder if that would give you spicy eggs
never heard of that might be a way to try?
3/6 today. Big momma still on strike... Now I have two more mystery girls laying for me eventually when big momma comes off strike I'll be getting 4 eggs a day lol... Here is to fingers crossed... Glad to hear that the little chick defeated the odds.. Congratulations

6 eggs

3 eggs from the control group

3 eggs from the free range chickens

Temp 97Fdegrees with light winds

Ya he has been just ripping the feathers off the girls so these were removed .

Three Molten Houdan chicks hatching on day 21 and one more Russian chick just started to peep

These two clowns got all upset over the noise in the shed and jumped ship for the first time in months and hit the floor looking for some peace and quiet, ya their were not happy to be put back on their cage

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not here even a bit of thunder
we never have that think my hens are going into first big molt
seeing more feathers as there is only 5 of them
but 4 yesterday and just 3 today
gotta get the pullets to laying or I will have to buy eggs
Yesterday my neighbor called me to see the nest of 24 eggs she found in the woods between our homes. She had a new AC installed and the chickens were at her house, attreacked to haveing people around, I assume.

We thought their production dropped because of a heat wave. We have 9 hens, and we were seening only about 4 eggs per day. Mystery solved

I'm going to look for some glass or wooden eggs to leave in there usual nesting bed.

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