How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

My 11 golden comet ladies are 20 weeks old and I am getting 10/11. The other day I got 11/11.
Good job ladies!
we are now getting 7 from11..

And I'm not sure number 11 will ever lay after she got attacked by the neighbors dog..I don't know what I'll do if laying would stress out her body and she die trying to lay her first egg..
What are the signs??

Wattles and comb get bright red. Pullet squats on the ground and spreads her wings a bit when you approach. I noticed both of these things within days of my first eggs.

3 from 4 so far today, but the one that is missing has been laying late in the day, so there's still hope.

My Wyandotte that skipped yesterday laid a whopper today.
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