How many Eggs did you Sell today?

4 dozen for the week and 2 on reserve for Monday. Hey wait we don't have any for the house, hmmm what could be the solution to that problem?
X 6 or 8 or more
I had to "let go" of a customer for not having her payment in when expected and agreed upon. For many months, I was delivering (on my way to work out of the goodness of my heart :oops:) an order of eggs to a customer. We had it set up where she would leave the payment and the extra cartons in a plastic box under her carport due to the fact that I drop off the eggs as early as 7:00 AM and she is a hard sleeper and in the past would never wake up to answer the door to get the eggs. Anyway, it seems as every other order, there was always a reason as to why the payment was not in the designated location. I understood the many times that this has happened and tried to work with her. Well, this morning was not a good morning. The same thing happened this morning and my blood pressure took an unusual turn for the worst today. I am FED UP with not having my payment as agreed upon. At first I thought about not leaving the eggs and just getting back in my truck and driving off into the sunset but I didn't. I should have though. Instead, I left her order and texted her about the problem AGAIN. I later received a text (forgot what it even said because I am so upset) from her explaining why the money wasn't there. Today was the final straw. I texted her back and told her that I would no longer be able to deliver eggs to her but if she wanted to continue to get eggs, she could meet me in a location that was along my route to work.

I am done !!!! :smack

You can't be nice to be people. Who gets eggs delivered to their front door? Not her anymore. :mad:
I had to "let go" of a customer for not having her payment in when expected and agreed upon. For many months, I was delivering (on my way to work out of the goodness of my heart
) an order of eggs to a customer. We had it set up where she would leave the payment and the extra cartons in a plastic box under her carport due to the fact that I drop off the eggs as early as 7:00 AM and she is a hard sleeper and in the past would never wake up to answer the door to get the eggs. Anyway, it seems as every other order, there was always a reason as to why the payment was not in the designated location. I understood the many times that this has happened and tried to work with her. Well, this morning was not a good morning. The same thing happened this morning and my blood pressure took an unusual turn for the worst today. I am FED UP with not having my payment as agreed upon. At first I thought about not leaving the eggs and just getting back in my truck and driving off into the sunset but I didn't. I should have though. Instead, I left her order and texted her about the problem AGAIN. I later received a text (forgot what it even said because I am so upset) from her explaining why the money wasn't there. Today was the final straw. I texted her back and told her that I would no longer be able to deliver eggs to her but if she wanted to continue to get eggs, she could meet me in a location that was along my route to work.

I am done !!!!

You can't be nice to be people. Who gets eggs delivered to their front door? Not her anymore.

Hope you didn't get in to deep with her. Nothing worse than chasing money from anybody more so from someone who keeps promising you and doesn't deliver.
I had to "let go" of a customer for not having her payment in when expected and agreed upon. For many months, I was delivering (on my way to work out of the goodness of my heart :oops: ) an order of eggs to a customer. We had it set up where she would leave the payment and the extra cartons in a plastic box under her carport due to the fact that I drop off the eggs as early as 7:00 AM and she is a hard sleeper and in the past would never wake up to answer the door to get the eggs. Anyway, it seems as every other order, there was always a reason as to why the payment was not in the designated location. I understood the many times that this has happened and tried to work with her. Well, this morning was not a good morning. The same thing happened this morning and my blood pressure took an unusual turn for the worst today. I am FED UP with not having my payment as agreed upon. At first I thought about not leaving the eggs and just getting back in my truck and driving off into the sunset but I didn't. I should have though. Instead, I left her order and texted her about the problem AGAIN. I later received a text (forgot what it even said because I am so upset) from her explaining why the money wasn't there. Today was the final straw. I texted her back and told her that I would no longer be able to deliver eggs to her but if she wanted to continue to get eggs, she could meet me in a location that was along my route to work.

I am done !!!! :smack

You can't be nice to be people. Who gets eggs delivered to their front door? Not her anymore. :mad:

Hope you didn't get in to deep with her. Nothing worse than chasing money from anybody more so from someone who keeps promising you and doesn't deliver. :barnie

Not in deep at all. I sent her a text this morning and asked her to put the money in the mail. I hope that will not be another excuse. :mad: I will not waste my time or money to try to go back to her house. That burns me up when you try to do something nice for people and they don't care. I find that VERY disrespectful. She never returned my text about me not delivering to her anymore. Well, the next person in line on the waiting list will get her slot.
A new customer that I "thought" was buying my eggs for himself and his family has been "re-selling" my eggs at a higher price. He let it slip out yesterday. SERIOUSLY ???? REALLY?????? :smack

He will have to find another "supplier" because that was his first and last eggs from me.

We'll see what the next egg story will be for the week.
A new customer that I "thought" was buying my eggs for himself and his family has been "re-selling" my eggs at a higher price. He let it slip out yesterday. SERIOUSLY ???? REALLY??????

He will have to find another "supplier" because that was his first and last eggs from me.

We'll see what the next egg story will be for the week.

KGirl, you are not having a good week with your customers. Feeling real bad for you. Maybe tomorrow will be better.

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