How many Eggs did you Sell today?

thats just gross!

I can remember back many many years ago that raw egg in a glass of tomato juice actually saved my live several times
None yet today ,but then my sign is'nt out yet. Every time I put the sign out I sell all I have within a few hours and have to take it back down. I only have 6 hens after a dog attack, but they lay each day. I wait till I have 3 dozen eggs before I put the sign out. My customers know that if the sign is'nt out I don't have eggs.
We sold 9 dozen on Friday. I am going to send three dozen to my daughter in Illinois on Monday. I know the kids will really enjoy my colorful eggs. I have a nice styrofoam container that I receive medicine in that I think will keep them from breaking. At least, I hope so.

None for me,but I did eat 2 for breakfast
. The girls are barely keeping up with family consumption,but soon that will change.You guys are lucky that can sell them for $3/doz. The market is not that good here. $1.50 is about all I can hope for.

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