How many Eggs did you Sell today?

Holy cow! How many do you collect each day? Lol.

I sold 3 dozen.... to one customer... But the other day I got my first "drive-by" customer. His wife saw my sign out front and had him come by to get some, lol. Hopefully he'll come back.
Iam thinking about selling extra eggs, esp whèn my new pullets start laying but am surprized at the cost of egg cartons. 50 cents seems the cheapest, there has to be a bettr way. any ideas? chàrge extra and separate the cost? what do you do?
Iam thinking about selling extra eggs, esp whèn my new pullets start laying but am surprized at the cost of egg cartons. 50 cents seems the cheapest, there has to be a bettr way. any ideas?  chàrge extra and separate the cost?  what do you do?

Post on Craigslist that you are looking to recycle egg cartons. If you have a local yahoo freebie group, you can post in there. Tell your family, friends, co-workers, church friends, bakeries, and anyone else that you can think of to recycle their egg cartons and give them to you.

I have been selling eggs for almost 10 years and I have not spend 1 penny on buying egg cartons and I don't plan on it. At any given time, I may have 500 egg cartons in my garage. Everyone knows that I need egg cartons and EVERYONE keeps their egg cartons for me. If I EVER have to buy egg cartons, I will increase my egg prices. I tell my customers this, so they are MORE than willing to get those egg cartons back to me and they get their friends and family to keep the egg cartons for me.

I hope that helps.
3 dozen today to a new customer. i dropped my price back to 2.00 a dozen yesterday from 2.50. my competitors around me are selling theres for 2.00. its been slow selling latley so hopefully this will help.
I just let friends know that I needed egg cartons, and I have tons now. Also, those that buy eggs I give a 50 cent discount if they bring their own carton. Everyone I sell to brings their own carton, every time. In fact most of my customers are set up on a weekly or bi-weekly schedule and they have brought be two cartons, I bring one filled they bring the empty one back. Really is a good system. Best wishes.

Iam thinking about selling extra eggs, esp whèn my new pullets start laying but am surprized at the cost of egg cartons. 50 cents seems the cheapest, there has to be a bettr way. any ideas? chàrge extra and separate the cost? what do you do?

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