How many eggs do you get weekly? What do you do with the extra eggs?

We have 35 hens and get about 2 doz a day so that'll be 14 doz a week!! We sell fresh eggs and are always in demand around here since more people are understanding fresh eggs are heathier than store eggs..
We give extras as gifts to family members, friends, and neighbors. It's great fun to watch their faces light up and hear them ooh and ahh over the varied colors and sizes of our eggs! I would also like to donate extras to our local food bank, but I don't have quite enough for that yet.
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We share our eggs with friends and family. We have 6 hens and probably average around 40 eggs a week. I plan to freeze eggs for holiday baking in case production slows.
We average over 100/wk now since every one decided to lay couple wks ago. We sell our eggs to friends to offset feeds and we have 2 doz/wk for our fam.
At my last location I had 30 hens and got about 16 dozen a week. We sold what we did not use, put a sign out front. What we did not sell we would give to the local food pantry. I would what until I had a case so they would have enough to give out.
I have 10 hens and 3 roosters. They all were born in February and the hens are all laying. With 70 eggs per week, my family and friends benefit from this. However, I love the idea of donating to a food pantry. I'm going to look into that. I have thought about selling them at the local Farmer's Market.
I sometimes wake up at around 2am, then i can already hear my rooster. They are up waaaaaay before the first light. As for the tomatoes... Slight warning: Chickens
So you might want to not only protect them against the sun! Hahaha. I have 16 chickens and 15 chicks at the moment. Only 2 hens are laying, therefore I only get about 8-11 eggs a week. Last month I had 5 hens laying, got around 20-28 eggs a week, so I sold the extras. In the meantime 2 hens got broody and 2 hens became dog breakfast (stupid dogs...), can't wait for my other pullets to start laying.
When I started with 4 pullets, we ate what we could and gave the rest to friends and family. 6 years later I have many more chickens, with a wide variety of colored eggs. I get 10-12 dozen/ week during the heavy laying months. The same people that I used to give them to were more than happy to buy them for $3/dozen. They sell faster than I can collect them. I'm not making any money, but it helps pay for the feed


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