How many eggs do you get weekly? What do you do with the extra eggs?

I bake. Today I made this cake.

Easy Angel Food Cake
(decadently better than box cake)

Combine and beat until soft peaks form:
2 C egg whites
3/4 C sugar
1 1/2 tsp cream of tartar
1 tsp vanilla
1/4 tsp salt
Sift together well:
1 C flour
3/4 C sugar

Fold sifted flour and sugar into eggs a little at a time. (If you have a mixer with an egg whisk you can use it to mix the flour in. Add the sifted flour and sugar a 1/3 at a time. Turn on the mixer for a few seconds on low speed with each addition to just barely mix in flour.)
Pour into angel food cake pan and run a knife through the batter to settle and remove large air bubbles.
Bake at 375 for 40 to 45 minutes.
Invert pan and allow to cool upside down.

Then with the egg yolks I made noodles. I substitute 2 egg yolks for each egg. I multiply the recipe by the number of egg yolks I have left over from the cake. Today I ended up using 9 cups of flour. I will let them dry a bit and then place them in plastic bags in the freezer. They make amazing chicken noodle soup and fettuccine.
Amish Egg Noodles
1 Cup flour
1 egg (or 2 egg yolks)
1 Tbs oil
3 Tbs water

Knead dough for 5 minutes. Allow dough to rest
45 minutes.
Roll out to 1/4” thick.
Allow to dry. Cut into thin strips and dry some more.
If I am pressed for time and don't want to make noodle this egg custard is great. Again just figure 2 egg yolks per egg.

Quick Egg Custard

  • 12 eggs
    • 4 cups of milk
    • 1 cup sugar
    • 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract.
    • Beat ingredients.
      Strain and pour into baking dish.
      Place baking dish in a roasting pan and fill pan 3/4 full with water.
      Bake at 350 for 45min-1hour.
    • This makes a big batch. It could be cut in half for a smaller portion.
Nice recipes but could you be more explanatory on your ingredients like what kind of flour do you use?
LOL. Sorry. In the mid-west all flour is bread flour and is usually high gluten. How are you going to make good bread otherwise. It works great with the cake. I don't think it makes much difference. There are no fancy ingredients in any of these recipes. I just use what I have on hand.
Depends on time of year lol.... Average probably 10 dozen a week...

I bake with the duck eggs, mostly into pie shells :D

Pasta is made with the Ancona eggs, kids get banty eggs for breakfast, DH gets double yolkers, and most if the rest get pickled!.. Makes great egg salad sandwiches,deviled eggs, and I always have a gallon jar of them in the fridge ;)

The flavor of the week is a sweet pickling spice mix; I'm saving up brine from the pickled beets to throw the next batch into :)
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My extras -- like most, some to kids, some sales, some freebies. I'm not a big egg eater, actually, but love a quiche, western omelets, egg salad, etc. I like the chickens and their antics, plus collecting eggs. Comes from wanting to as a kid at grandparents.

Well, I copied the recipes. :) esp like the custard one because in addition to 20 hens I have milk goats. Open my fridge and it's a WALL of milk and eggs!! In fact, I am making a soft cheese this afternoon........that's always yummy too....and reduces the cost of lasagna making...add spices and great spread or slicing. Plus the chickens often get some of the cheese and love it -- plus it's good for them with protein & calcium.

Soon my guinea piglets will be ready to be picked up, so another use for some milk (I drink about a qt a day, dog & cats get some, the goat kids are still nursing but soon won't & milk in house increases). And I make goat milk soap, for use & sale. 2 gal a day is a lot and I don't even milk them all. LOL Only bred 2 for kids this yr to slow down a little.

What a great life!!!!! It's work but, fresh veggies, eggs, milk, cheese, butter, yogurt, meats (yes, sometimes that's true)....fresh lard at butchering...couple fruit trees. Self sufficiency, no chemicals.

Of course -- you don't have to buy fertilizer for the garden
Or very much of the pastures, I also have 29 mini horses.
I have 300 pullets and 100 roosters, all RIR's. We take more than 1500 egg per week and moving for incubation and after hatching sold chicks in the market. I love it. :)
I get about 30 eggs a week out of 5 laying. and have 5 more that could start any day. And a fart egg a few days ago. lol
family get whats left over amd a neighbor gets a dozen every now and then
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Extra eggs, dog food. Some people sell eggs to help on the cost of feeding their chickens. I feed them to my dogs, fried, to cut down on the cost of dog food ;-)
Dog food isn't cheap either and eggs are excellent protein and good for them.
I have 33 hens. They were born the end of March. I am getting about 7/day right now with an all time high once of 17. Some are just getting their waddles though. I am hoping they will even out soon.

Then again, I am suspicious of a few hopping the fence and laying eggs to return when I am not looking.

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