How much air do your Swedish Ducks get?


6 Years
Nov 8, 2013
Just curious, but anyone out there with experience with their Swedish ducks flying? We have recently added a female Black Swedish and a female Blue Swedish to go along with our mallard drakes (the boys and girls are being kept in separate, but adjoining pens, to keep things a little calmer). As of tomorrow they will be 8 weeks old, and we're expecting that we might start seeing a little flying in the next month. They've been doing the "tippy toes" thing where they run on their toes flapping madly, and one of them achieved a few inches for a couple of feet this morning.

Anyone out there with experience with this breed who can tell me how much flying, how high, and how fast we should expect them to go? Our mallards are pretty impressive little flyers, who when not clipped have flown 40' up and over the house, and circled it add high speed a few times. To keep them around, we clip the alpha, Scaramanga, so he can just scoot a little above the ground, but the other, Le Chiffre, we leave unclipped (he's not leaving without Scaramanga). And Le Chiffre does some pretty nice precision flying. He'll fly over to me, and do a vertical flight over my head, and once even managed to fly up to me, pull up vertical, and land standing on my shoulder.

We're not expecting the Swedish to do anything near the same, but are curious as to how much they do end up flying. We're hoping we can leave them unclipped. Aside from giving them a little bit more safety from predators, the flying is always fun to watch.

My Clyde was a black Swedish - he was a fully mature, somewhat old man, when we got him and I never saw him even think of attempting to fly in the 2+ years we had him.
I have two black Swedish girls that are two years old and the most they ever fly is from the ground to their pool: about two feet height total off the ground. I seriously doubt they can do much more - or care to.

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