How much Oxytetracycline do I give to 1 chicken? Help with dosage, pls


11 Years
Sep 9, 2008
After 4 days of having a weak, barely eating, heavy breathing 8-months old Welsummer hen in the house, and giving her Colloidal Silver, tomatoes with garlic, scrambled eggs, oatmeal, vitamins, and everything else all-natural, all to no effect, I have now purchased a pouch of Terra-Vet soluble powder, and will try to go the Antibiotic route, before she starves to death. It says to mix 400-800 mg per gallon of water. I do not have a scale, and need to figure out how many table spoons that equals to.
Help me out, please, chicken folks!
Awhile back I had the same question about dosing. I found this post - Need Duraymcyin-10 dosage -on this website. If you copy and paste or type in to search, it will take you there and maybe it will help you figure out dosage. It did for me.

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