How often do you Wash yourself?

Whenever I raise my arm and the smell makes those around me gag.
LOL this is a funny thread
I laughed when I read the original post...what a question? LOL

every day and sometimes 2-3 times per day depending on farm work and my social life out in public.

I am not a want fresh feeling!

I like clean in everything I do in life!
I think for most of us that do it daily it's an OCD thing. We aren't dirty but we think we are!!! I have to wash my hair everyday otherwise my head starts itching like crazy! That and I have naturally curly hair so I have to at least wet it or wear a hat!

Here in my house we share the shower. One DD takes her's with Dad and the other takes her's with me. We try to be as green as we can!
The itchy head thing happens to you to?! If I can't wash my hair every day I tell my husband I have lice and he is going to have to check my head (he never does though

I shower daily with the only exception being when we go camping & hand washing is constant but I try to use anti-bacterial hand sanitizer if I can to save a little water. Teeth twice a day with no exception! they just feel icky if i don't brush and my dentist really likes that about me
The itchy head thing happens to you to?! If I can't wash my hair every day I tell my husband I have lice and he is going to have to check my head (he never does though

I shower daily with the only exception being when we go camping & hand washing is constant but I try to use anti-bacterial hand sanitizer if I can to save a little water. Teeth twice a day with no exception! they just feel icky if i don't brush and my dentist really likes that about me

Haha too funny! I am the same way with my teeth as well! Can't stand that fuzzy feeling!!!
I take a shower daily unless one day I am not going anywhere or planning on doing anything.

I do shower when I get into the garden or doing coop chores stripping out the coop......developed a ring around the tub after three days being in the garden. Or after mowing lawn. Nothing like a fresh clean non sweaty body!

On the other hand, my hubby,
when he was living at home, he would only take a bath once a week, washes hair if lucky once a week or up to three weeks. Funky smelling! I told him if he ever wants to marry me, he BETTER change the hygiene methods. Now he has been taking showers nightly after work and ahem! They told me about lye soap, yeow! Ivory soap was common.

My father and mother used to tell me once a week baths were common on Sundays, sharing from the oldest to the youngest. Ladies wash themselves with rags nightly or sponge bath. Men forego baths and rarely wash themselves.
You simply can not waste water. When the bathwater is done, sometimes they would soak laundry in it before taking it to the washing board or wringer to do better washing.
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I shower and wash my hair every morning, even if I am going to work outside and be dirty all day. I can't stand the way my scalp feels if it's not clean. I sometimes shower at night too if I got too dirty in the yard. Handwashing....I don't bother with it much. After the bathroom and before cooking, but that's really about it unless they are abviously grungy or have chicken poo on them or something. And I do use hand sanitizer a lot when dining out, like after handling menus and salt shakers. That stuff is loaded with germs and never cleaned. Animal germs and garden germs don't scare;s the people germs from public places that creep me out.
Oh since some of you mentioned about the salt shakers, and condiments sitting often do they ever get a cleaning???????????

Some are filthy and sticky!

Going to a public restroom, I am GUILTY of throwing the towel on the floor in the bathroom near the door. I notice alot of places now put garbage cans near the wash basins and another one near the door as you open it. I love to visit those type of restrooms that has NO entry door. Used elbows to start up hand dryers. I do that often in public places, washing hands before I put anything in my mouth, anywhere and anyplace.

Any of you had to throw towels on floor or take it with you to table after using restroom? Maybe we ought to inform resturaunts or public places to start putting waste containers near doors. Imagine what is going on those handles!
I have a serious fear of having the dreaded B.O. smell. I shower every morning to get squeaky clean and take a quick bath before I go to bed.. and I carry deordorant and body wash in my purse!

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