How often do you Wash yourself?

Um, you do know where that dog's tongue has been right?
I'm sorry, I just can't share food or utencil's with anything that has to use it's tongue to clean it's own butt!
I don't know why some people obsess about washing their hands after going to the bathroom. I found it easier just to NOT go on my hands! If I ever thought I needed to wash my hands, I would take a shower. I use latex gloves for mixing hamburger, or any other gross kitchen chores.
Actually I take a shower every morning except on weekends when I know I'll be getting dirty all day. Then I take my shower at night. I can't stand the smell of stinky arm pits. My scalp itches too, if I don't shampoo, same with my beard.

Kids are funny. They'll take a shower once a week till they become a teenager. Then it's 3 times a day. Glad we have a well.

Two times a day on brushing. My teeth are still green though. Mold or something.
It's not a problem of going on our hands. It's the guy/gal that went before us that pooed or peed on their hand and then touched the flush handle, the door knob out of stall, the faucet handle(some bypass this) and the door handle going out of the bathroom!!!! You might like your own poo and pee but I don't!!! Wait a minute I don't even like mine.
Shower once a day at night....wash hands when I get the chance. I wash my hair every other breaks severely and falls out if washed everyday.I work in auto parts...hands just keep getting dirty....I do wash them after handling animals or food.... go ahead and saw eeeeewwww...but ill tell ya...anyone up here that has ocd better not step foot in my house. I have an spare bedroom just for baby chicks. cannot be anywhere near ocd and pull that one off. ....I'm neat but no overly so...I don't mind getting dirty...that's why we have soap.I have been covered in chicken and duck poo more than house is lived in....but clean enough for my 15 month old son to play on the floor ....if you have get dirty...end of story.....germs in toilet paper don't bother me...its the butts that sat on the seat that do.
I think how much you wash yourself should be dependent on how old you are, where you live, and whether you really need it or not. When we were little kids we only took baths once a week on Saturday nights, or for special events. I know someone who says she only takes showers every other day in the winter, and every day in the summer. If you don't bathe, just make sure to wash your face anyway, especially in the summer.

That being said, I do think cleanliness is important...but I don't think it's the end of the world if the person next to me smells like himself instead of cologne or tons of soap or perfume or such. What do you think happens if you work like a horse all day long? You might smell a little different than Old Spice. That's just the way it is. Of course, if you are a dentist, doctor, or have another job where you will work around people in close quarters, it would be rather advisable to bathe at least once a day.

Handwashing is preferable of course for making meals, petting animals, etc. That could possibly include dogs and cats too...the stuff they eat sometimes (or roll in) is just....
I feel more comfortable petting my chickens and Tommy M'Lad the Narragansett Turkey Tom. They are birds and cleaner.
A time you DON'T need to wash your hands before eating might be when eating out of your garden. Just pick a beautifully ripe cherry tomato, brush off some of the dirt, and pop into your mouth. A little dirt? Sure. But hey, a little dose of germs is good for you. (I'm not referring to public restrooms here...they are just reservoirs of filth waiting to break loose....)
Um, you do know where that dog's tongue has been right?
I'm sorry, I just can't share food or utencil's with anything that has to use it's tongue to clean it's own butt!

Just think for a moment though... dogs' mouths still have less germs than human mouths. Now that's something to chew on!

Seriously though, I don't do such things right after I see her cleaning herself. That would be icky. After a good amount of time has passed though, I think the germs have been killed by the dog saliva and it is safe.

Now if people cleaned themselves that way...

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