How often do you Wash yourself?

Wow! Now I know why they are predicting serious water shortages in the future. I would love to see this thread discussion in another country. Americans have become so used to the luxury of running water they take it for granted. Routinely showering several times a day just seems like such a waste of our resources...... Whatever happened to showering/bathing only when you are dirty???? Guess my family is more like ChooksChick's.

I'll be the first to say I don't shower daily (depending on the seasons). I do sponge bath at least daily, wash hands as needed throughout the day (being an aircraft mechanic, and having many related and outdoor hobbies I wash hands often). During hunting season, I'm at my cabin for a week or more. No running water, many sponge baths. I really don't think I'm the only one not showering daily?
Overall, I'm a once-a-day showerer except in the cold winter months. In the wintertime, I shower every other day, sometimes will skip 2 days between but will sponge bathe on days I do not shower.

Outside of wintertime, I shower once a day, though the time of day varies depending on what I'm doing. I don't leave the house unshowered, though. I have been known to skip a day or two here and there, especially if I'm not getting particularly dirty or sweaty; but it's only because I work from home and don't have to go out and expose my stench to the rest of the world. I think if I were still working in an office, I absolutely would shower daily. I have worked in small offices over the years with toooo many people who DON'T shower daily, and it's miserable to work with someone whose armpits you can smell from 15 feet away.

In the summertime, I've been known to be outside with the hose while watering the garden and "sponge bathe" myself in the hose for a quick refresher/mid-day clean feeling when it's 100 degrees out!
My experience with people in Germany was that BO was not an issue. Arm pit smell was just natural along with not shaving the pits. I would splash chicken soup on my pits so I could blend in. What was strange was the women wouldn't wear under arm deodorant but would spray deodorant elsewhere. Europeans just started bathing on a semi regular basis in the late 1800's. Before that it was considered unhealthy to bathe and people wore a lot of scents to cover the smell. They also had a lot of skin sores and crotch rot. Japanese on the other hand bathed every day in baths that were so hot they could barely stand it. Europeans considered the Japanese to be barbaric. The Japanese were a much cleaner and healthier people though and much like the American Indians they were infected by the Europeans with diseases that were spread by poor hygiene. I think if you don't shower at least every other day and don't use deodorant you should probably ask someone that isn't a close friend how you smell. Might be your just used to the smell so don't notice it.

Last time I was in Europe was 1982. They may shave and wear deodorant now.

Predicted water shortages are based on urban sprawl and the incredible amounts of water being used to drill shale and natural gas. In addition the drilling companies are contaminating a lot of aquifers so that water can't be used. Just be sure you don't smoke in the shower. Your water might blow up.
I am (as I said earlier) a 3x a week bather. My mother thinks I smell bad sometimes, and likes to buy me antiperspirant, and deoderant, and will loudly say things like "Aren't you going to shower?" so I do use more tea tree oil underarm spray when she's visiting, but I live in a real rural area, and I'm not a hugger... except at church (which I shower before), so nobody is getting close enough to smell me, even if I do stink. sometimes, though, after exercising, or gardening, i just flat out need a shower, so I take one. But i do think it's silly and wasteful to shower as commonly as many people apparently do.
I shower at least daily-
old guys smell bad.
I do not wash my hands after using public bathroom facilities. I know that ALL my body parts are cleaner than everything in there. I flush with my foot if they don't have electronic flushers and open the door with a paper towel. The Princess once asked, "Why aren't your hands wet when you come back from the bathroom?" My reply, "If my hands are wet, there is a problem."
Oh geesh I almost wet myself laughing! true though! I do hate to waste water and have been known to skip a day or 2.

but really if not working in an office or dealing with customers on a daily basis.......why bother?

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