how old do muscovy ducks have to be to tell the gender?

They are 10 weeks old. I thought the white one was a drake because it is a pound more then the dark one. It also got a big chest. I guess I just got a big fat female muscovy.
Were you wanting a pair? actually if you have 2 ducks then getting a drake would be better because 1 duck to 1 drake would be hard on the duck. Anyway you should know for sure in a few weeks. Happy Thanksgiving!
Were you wanting a pair? actually if you have 2 ducks then getting a drake would be better because 1 duck to 1 drake would be hard on the duck. Anyway you should know for sure in a few weeks. Happy Thanksgiving!

This is the second time I tried to get a drake. I bought some muscovies a while back and was hoping for them to be drakes and they both end up being females. The current ones I have, I asked the person I bought them from that I wanted drakes. She told me had some and these ones end up being females. I been having bad luck trying to get drakes and just a little frustrated. These ones look a lot bigger then the last muscovies I had a while back.
here are some updated pictures of my muscovy, any ideas of gender, he hatched the first week of september.

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First one looks girly to me, short feet.. the head shape.. hard to tell with second... couple of odd ball comments, noises made? and can you tuck the duck under your arm.. drakes are usually beyond an armful lol whereas ducks are petite ...
I have 4 8 month old ducks. How long before a male looks and acts like a male? The black one is probably a female. She's the smallest and at least one of them was laying a couple months ago, but no mating activity. Can someone give me an educated guess? I can get more/better pictures. thanks

I have 4 8 month old ducks. How long before a male looks and acts like a male? The black one is probably a female. She's the smallest and at least one of them was laying a couple months ago, but no mating activity. Can someone give me an educated guess? I can get more/better pictures. thanks

Looks like you have 4 girls how'd you do that? lol very pretty too. and Welcome

can any one tell me if they are hens or drakes? They get real excited and wag their tales like a dog when I come to feed them and they make this rattle sound when they get excited. They are the sweetest animal I ever had. They love to be loved on they are approx 6 months old

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