How small is too small? LGDs call me crazy....

I've owned an lgd before, a pyr Anatolian cross on 40 acres, I know their tendencies and what has to be considered as far as perimeter fences and containment for wanderers. I'm convinced I'll have to put my personal wants aside and wait a few years for keeping livestock, it would be the best thing to do. My husband will want a companion dog so I may go with that and a couple chickens for training it, we won't be staying at this property forever and one of my concerns is training his dog to respect poultry while still young.
Thanks for the input :) not having lived in town for 13 years this will be an experience....
If you go the companion route then what I am doing currently is reasonably close to what you will be doing. Going such a route can still provide your birds with protection if desired, especially at night. That is where the flexibility of many non-LGD's comes to be a real advantage. LGD's do not have a reputation for trainability, rather independent minded. A neighbor with a Border Collie cross a pretty effective raptor and fox control agent. Dog is very smart and stays out of road even though not fenced in. Not able to take on bigger foes like coyotes or even average sized dogs but proper fencing can stop those guys.

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