how soon can you sex ducks

Thank you so much. I was looking for just this type of information. I have 9, 3 day old geese and wasn't sure how to sex them. I will give this a go. As I plan for the goose to have more babies I guess I will need the practice.
Yep - the girls make a very loud, distinctive quack - at about 5 weeks, they'll be making a wider variety of sounds than the boys and you'll probably hear a loud quack noise from them every now and then as their voices change (to put it crudely, it sort of sounds like a fart or a cough
) - the boys will probably still be peeping, but it'll be very monotone and quieter. Eventually, the boys will sound like whispery glockenspiels, and the girls will be saying , "QUACK! Quack Quack Quack".

I'm finding, as I've been constantly raising ducklings all year, I'm beginning to be able to sex them at around 2 or 3 weeks just by the very subtle differences in their peeps. I don't know how to describe it - the girls just have a little more "graininess" to their peep, the boys are airier. I've correctly sexed 7 of 7 that I tried it on so far!
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You may want to watch this video first:
Be aware that you can damage day old ducklings and goslings if not done right. That is the reason why I don't do it at all.
You will know their sex by the time they are 2 months old, so what's the point? I would not even turn over a 5 week old one, it can stress them out and avoid you. Aren't you trying to be tight with them and build a good relationship? Ok not everyone will agree with me. At least my ducks keep their dignity.
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yep, I do it only for sales purposes, and many migratory species are identically colored even as adults, so it's a must to learn and do on them. But unlesS you are worried about finding mates for them before they all get sold out, no need to rush it you'll know on domestics in a few weeks by voice and color geese on the other hand, are a different stoy, can be some time before visual sexing is possible.,
But it is a good skill for all waterfowl keepers to learn. Never damaged any at any age myself, just be gentle with them, you're not minning for gold here, it's either gone pop out or it's a girl, LOL And it doesnt stress them out, they go right on about their business when done.
This is a great thread

I always thought because they were done at day old that it didn't work when they were bigger. Obviously didn't think it through! Just tried (very gently) on my day olds, don't think it worked but I'm off to have a go at the two week olds, there is one in particular I suspect might be a cockerel so will be interesting to see if I manage to find anything with that one.

Thanks for posting this

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