How to know when my chickens are going to lay

I've got another mystery layer lol. Her egg was tiny

Egg to the left is the egg I got yesterday, egg on right the other day my guess from a different chicken, I'm suspecting its my Black Australorp , and my Cucko Marran.

Again, one next to tiny, I think from the same chicken.
The small egg is most likely a "trial" egg from a new laying hen unless you have small bantam type chickens. My one hen always lays speckled eggs, however, the speckles wash off like I had said before and I think it is blood actually. My one hen lays me plain brown and the other lays a speckled and has from the beginning so I am guess she will always lay it speckled because it has been about a month now of laying and it always looks the same.

My third hen, Paprika, has finally laid me an egg! It has whitish calcium looking on the shell. A little bit smaller than the other two hen eggs, but still a nice size for the first egg! They make me so proud!
It's a good feeling to get the first egg my first hen to lay I watched her through the process of making the nest to laying that egg felt like xmas morning lol, the first egg is usually small, and from what I got, they'll be deformed looking for the first few weeks maybe, and start getting their right shape. I got a weird looking egg from her the other day when there was alot of shooting going on the past few days, cause of dove season, it was wrinkly, strange looking egg, and I think it was a friday when one of my other girls began to lay it was so tiny, smaller then Angels first egg, but my other chicken my Maran named Blackie I think laid before my other chicken Peng, How I Can tell sort of is that Peng was less developed in the comb and Blackie's comb was flopped over. I've started to date the days when to expect a brown egg cause I forgot to mark it down. So far Friday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Can't wait for the others to start, Got them in April.
I believe they'd be 31 weeks ( I fail at math LOL ) April 10th and 12th, some where around there x.x'. and my other guy's I got May 11th, Angel laid at around 24 weeks I believe, Blackie 29 weeks, and Peng 30 weeks o.o
Well so far i got 1 dominique laying and a americauna. Its awesome. Although, my americauna layed where my dominique does and i only got one egg that day. I wonder if she was ******. Will hens lay in the same box even if there is an egg in there?
Yes, One of my girls laid their egg in the same box Angel had laid hers, it wasn't broken, surprisingly. They'll share boxes
Even though I only have three hens and two nesting boxes and they lay their eggs about 45 minutes apart every morning, they all use the same nesting box. Never a cracked egg in there either. My hens were hatched about March 31st, so the first hen started giving eggs at about 19 weeks and the last at 23 weeks. I think they are buff orpingtons, but since Tracter Supply sign said Rhode Island Red pullets, I really have no idea what they are, but I do know they are NOT Rhode Island reds. They are more orange and whitish. Three eggs every morning like clockwork!!! Almost two dozen a week, I am rich!
I've only got three laying so far, out of 10 girls, Do you have a picture of your hen? Maybe I can try to help you with what breed she may be. I know my rooster is a Rhode ISland Red I got all my chickens and ducks at a feed store here called Acco Feed. They sold my Easter Eggers to me as Americana's but later learned they were Easter Eggers, And my Silver Laced Wyandottes are Lakenvelders, if I spelled those right, I say they're all very good company, and fun to watch. My Lakenvelders fit to their name as Spaz and Taz, they spazz out a lot its cute.

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