How to lose 60-70 lbs in a hurry?

Yep, be sure to read all the testimonials at the bottom of that second link as well. I must admit, I did not do the hormone (chemical) version of HCG, however the homeopathic version worked
just fine for me. You are not starving and there is nothing in the diet that says you need to take "coconut oil" that the "blogger" stated. In fact it's forbidden in the first few weeks. My husbands boss is now 65lbs lighter and many others I know
have now tried it with great success.

Anyhow, everyone will have an opinion and I'm telling you what worked for me. It did change my eating habits, I no longer have the cravings I had before the diet and I'm 25lbs lighter. I have no ill side
effects, I was not hungry, it was simple.

It's nothing more than a tool, something to help you on your way to a healthier lifestyle.
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My husband lost 80 pounds when his doctor told him he was prediabetic and had major cholesterol. They had him drop ALL soda, even diet, no sports drinks, no sweet tea (NOOOOO!!!!) and he could have fish and 1 chicken breast/week as long as it was unbreaded/battered. All the fruits and veggies he could handle, no candy, no white breads. It obviously worked. He was about 310 pounds and got down to 230 in a matter of months. Of course, this was all monitored by his doctor and in any other case, it wouldn't have been safe but so far, he's maintained but he got out of the red-zone. He's no longer prediabetic and his cholesterol is great! He went from the fast food king to Mr. Health. What it comes down to is that he was eating terribly but went to eating the way humans are supposed to and the excess just dropped off. It was really good for him. He still needs to lose some but he's not at death's door like he was.
The problem with most "organized" diets is that as soon as the dieter goes off of it, they gain wait back. Step one is to make the life commitment that you are going to change the way you view eating and food that you will eat. Step two is to make a commitment that you will excercise along with watching what you eat. Without excercise, most diets will fail or you just wont see the results that you want to see. Step three is to realize that loosing more than 20 lbs is going to and should take some time. One of the biggest reasons why people gain weight back is that they lost too much weight too fast by starving themselves. If you already have health issues, it is even more important that you loose the weight gradually rather than shocking your body. The average overweight person will loose the most weight in the first few weeks then the weight loss will slow to a more steady rate provided you continue to do your excercise etc. Excercising is also good for your heart, cholesterol, and sugar.

Loosing weight and keeping it off for people with the tendency toward being overweight is a life long committment. There are plenty of things that you can eat and yes you can also indulge once in a while. Portion control is the biggest factor in loosing weight which is why programs like weight watchers work. They operate on this premise. Because you already have high blood pressure, you should natrually be staying away from salty foods. Successful weight loss is really not rocket science. Eat healthy foods, lots of dark green veggies, nothing fried or deep fried. Limit red meat. Studies have shown that the majority of people have no clue how many calories they are taking in a day and most will underestimate the amount by as much as 2000 calories. Portion control is the key. Some people will use a smaller plate that not only will hold less food but gives them the idea that they are getting more. Never eat for more than 20 minutes at a time and Never eat or continue to eat when you are not hungry. Don't weigh yourself more than 1 or 2 times per week.

I applaud you and am routing for you as you enter a more healthy time. Good Luck

I had worked out and was on a weightlifters pre-show diet to cut some body fat. Portion control is one of the biggest things. No butter or veg oil (spray olive only). No coffee (cream or sugars), pop or juices. No bread, cerial, cheese, sauces, creamcheese, icecream, adult beverages. Steam or raw veggies, fresh fruits, lean meat, fish (steamed or grilled - no batter, no frying!! LOTS of water. Lots of walking and working out.
I'd eat a 1/2 cup grapenuts w/rasins for breakfast and water for breakfast (tea is ok too)
for lunch 1/2 can green beans and small can tuna in water, and dinner, steamed veggie and grilled chickan.
herbs and spices add alot of flavor without adding any fat! Lots of water!!

the only way to get rid of muscle really, is to starve yourself. I think the body will only start to eat away at muscle after the body fat is gone, only then will it start to get rid of muscle. I don't think you want to go that extreme!
I think the body will only start to eat away at muscle after the body fat is gone, only then will it start to get rid of muscle.

Not true.
"The study clearly shows that a LC-HP (low carb-high protein) diet is protein-sparing. After four weeks on a 1,000-calorie diet, those participants on the LC-HP diet (less than 35-41% carbohydrate) showed a 4.5 pounds greater loss of fat mass, a 1.29% greater loss of body fat, and an overall weight loss of 3.8 pounds more than on a higher carbohydrate diet. After 12 weeks, these differences increased to a 12 pounds greater loss of fat mass, a 3.6% greater loss of body fat, and an overall weight loss of 14.5 pounds more than on a higher carbohydrate diet. That means we preserve more lean muscle mass and lose more body fat as compared with a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet. In addition, higher protein intakes resulted in 2.6 pounds greater retention of lean body mass vs. a standard moderate protein diet. This may explain why LC-HP dieters experience improved observable changes in body shape.

With all the scientific evidence now underscoring the metabolic advantages of a LC-HP diet, the time has come to make this approach a mainstay in weight loss and maintenance. "

In other words, the macronutrient composition of your food determines whether or not you lose muscle, not the amount of calories. Eat high carb and you WILL lose muscle. Eat low carb and you will not.​
Update: I started Atkins on 3/27/11 after post #29 (ya'll thought I was kidding!) As of 4/27/11, I had lost 17 lbs! WooHooooo! Then disaster struck, literally. I was called in to work due to the tornado around 5pm and worked 12 - 16 hour shifts for over a week. The outpouring of food for us workers was incredible but not Atkins friendly. I ate what was available. Then I got sick. I have been flat on my back since. Yuck! I just got on the scales and have gained back 3 lbs. Pretty good, I think. I will start back on Atkins once I am back at work.
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Boyd, Your healthiest bet to lose weight is portion control and eating only healthy food and at least walking(at this point) And drinking alot of water.
Eat only serving size portions, and eat several small meals a day (6)

For example, this is what I ate yesterday:
Breakfast, grapenuts.. serving size is 1/2 cup. I eat that with rasins and no milk (I can't drink milk). If you drink milk, only non-fat.
drink 24 oz of water.
I'll have a snack in a while of a couple handfuls of fruit (or veggies)
drink 24 oz of water
Lunch: a sandwich with the 100 calorie thin bread (I know, I just said no bread above) but at lunch I allow myself this bread and a slice of cheese with smoked turkey. I would say the sandwich would equal a cup of food (it's a small one!). You can eat a sandwich, open face so you cut bread by half, use pita bread pockets, or, wrap the sandwich in lettus (best bet)! And I have about 1-1/2 cup veggie salad, NO DRESSING!
I'll go for a 30 min fast walk after lunch
drink 24 oz of water
I'll have an orange for a snack. (or veggies)
drink 24 oz of water
Dinner, was 1 cup of home made goose goulash, no preservatives, no oil, no butter, but it did have pasta.
drink 24 oz of water
A snack before bed may be an apple (I didn't eat anything lastnight).

If I have time after chores, I walk another 30 min on the tread mill (sometimes it will include a slow jog) and work out with the bowflex.
I fit in about 7000-10,000 steps a day on average. I would recommend a good pedometer.

Muscle helps to burn fat, so building muscle is good, however it will add weight but it won't be unhealthy weight once the fat is gone.

A good slogan to live by: If man made it, don't eat it!
(unless you can your own food)

salad dressing
Fried food
Cream Cheese
creamer in coffee
beer, wine, etc
processed food!
no egg yolk

I am not needing to lose fat because I have a health risk like Boyd, so I'm a little more lax about some things. I'll have some bread or pasta, and even a bite of a candybar, but it's a very small portion. But, since I've started cutting out things and really watching what I eat, I take in about 400-700 calories a day. To maintain my current weight I need 1956 calories. So you can see where I'm losing weight, slow and steady which is the healthiest way to lose and keep it off. With all the water and small meals, I actually feel full enough I've not been craving my nemisis of pop and candy! I started my diet last week I was 143, I want to hit 125 by end of June.
According to the plan, I'm right on schedule and down to 139# today. I can take in 956 calories a day.

I've referenced this site alot to manage my calories: (you don't have to join to use it.)

The best way is to eat the healthiest, lowest calorie food, in small servings unless it's raw fruit n veggies.. you can eat alot of that as long as you don't use dressing, dips etc to eat it!! Water helps keep you feeling full and moving things along!!

Good luck Boyd!!
Dear Silly Chicken,

What you are doing is indeed healthy and a wonderful way for you to lose weight, but it's not the best way if you can't do it! IMHO If I needed to go from 143 to 125 (18lbs,) I may be able to do it your way. I need to go from 270 to around 180 (90lbs.) I am a 6 foot tall, nearly 50 year old woman who is working night shift and has 4 males in the house to feed! There's no way I can follow your (admitedly sensable) plan. From your list of "Don'ts," Atkins allows all but sugar/candy and I can have a piece or two of sugarfree gum or candy if I am not too greedy! Caffeine is not recommended but allowed if necessary, fried is fine as long as it is not breaded, and I can eat all the egg yolks I want! Now, I DO miss fruit and starchy veggies, and 'no milk' is hard, but when I am losing weight and feeling better everyday, it is easier to avoid those things. Protein is not evil. Atkins is not bad for you. Done right, it is a perfectly acceptable diet to maintain health and weight. The research done by Dr. Atkins and confirmed by many more recent studies have shown that the old school of thought on what is "best" is not best for everyone.

Keep up the good work on your plan, but if you would like to try a different method, pick up the "Diet Revolution" book and read it first. It really is a complete plan and not just "cutting out carbs."
Boyd, I just went to see a Diabetic Nurse for a Consult the other day and she recommends a diabetic diet for everyone! Its the kind of diet we teach children about from the food chart! And exercise is important! I am making changes in my life and need to loose weight as well! She also does not recommend loosing more than two pounds per week! Not healthy and less likely to keep it off successfully! Good Luck!

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