How to secure window open?


Aug 9, 2016
I have windows that are sort of like this one. Image from my pet chicken:

What is a good way to secure them open so that in a high wind situation they do not flap around? I did not make the windows super sturdy, so they do torque if you pull on one side. I think wind will break them apart!

I have seen this hinge thing like in the picture, but I do not know what it is or what to buy online. If someone has a handy link to Home depot for it, then I am willing to try it!

I have also seen people use an eye hook and chains to pull up the window. Or a stick propping it open. Both of these seem unstable in wind though.

Thanks for any advice!


  • MPC-068.jpg
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The windows on my co-op are also hinged at the top and I simply use a hook and eye or hook and chain to hold them in the open position.
This is not the best photo but is the 1I could find the quickest on my phone at the moment. I think there are better photos in the article that I posted about my co-op I'll have to look later when I get done at work
Someone on here made a window support with two snap hooks, awhile back. I just can't find it anywhere, I'll try to explain it. Maybe someone else remembers this. Use a piece of 1 x 2 and fasten the end where the key ring is(minus key ring) to the wood with a screw and washer. Do this on both ends and you will have a board with a clip fastened at each end. Put one eye hook in the window frame and one on the coop, then clip both ends into the eye hooks. This will hold the window in place, if the clips are tightened down good. Does my explanation make sense? I also remember them saying, you could make different length sticks if you wanted to. If your like me, yes, you would have different lengths.
snap hook.jpg
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That will work for some of my windows that are under my eaves. I think so anyway, I'll need a few feet of chain to reach but that's ok. Love your color scheme by the way!
Thanks, that was mid paint job ..... The 1st shade of green was not quite what I expected once I started putting it on the side of the building.
The chain works out really well because I can adjust just to what degree I want the window to be open the side with just the hook and eye is either open all the way or closed, will be adding a chain to that side too.
So I played with this today, good free solution for this 8 ft long window panel in gusty winds today. I hinged a scrap piece of 2x3 onto the window bottom. Then cut a "U" out of a piece of 2x4. Then broke one arm of the U off installing it lol. Predrill needed!

Drilled holes, used a spare bolt and it holds well. I'll likely make a new one, and predrill!

Wow, this is an awesome forum! So many great ideas!

My problem with just using a chain/eyehook upwards was that I did not have an anchor point above each window that I could use as my rafters aren't centered above my windows. My windows are too flexible to just attach on one side as the entire window would twist.

The cabinet hinge looks very promising as does a 1x2 with the two snap hooks. Would a brass cabinet hinge be okay to use outside?
Brass is corrosion resistant,,, :thumbsup

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