How To Sex A Chicken - Wisdom From An Old Timer

well- what worked for me this time was to lay the chick on his back in my hands, if he lays still its a girl, if he struggles its a boy- and it actually turned out that way...not sure if it is absolute- but this time it was...
I have the perfect solution for egg eating chickens . . . .

Once you figure out which one it is . . . .

You introduce her to Mr. Hatchet . . . . . and invite over all the family members (who think you are nuts) for chicken dinner !
I'v heard to take your thumb and run it up their little fuss butts.. If you feel a tiny bump, its a boy and no bump means its a girl. I tried that on straight run bantys at my TSC. Out of 7 I bought I wanted 2 roos and the rest hens. Guess what I got??? 2 roos and 5 hens!!!!!! Coincidence or not, it worked that time!!!!!!
I've heard that the leg dangle method works on young children with unisex names that are wearing unisex clothes. Just don't let mommy catch you dangling their kid by the legs.
Chick_N_Horses,,,,,,,,got an update for us or is it too soon??Mine are 3 months old now and I think I know some that are roos for sure. Heard some crowing and I'm going to check thier hackle feathers to see if they are rounded or pointed just to be sure. I've got too many right now and they are going to the chopping block this weekend. I do hope they are roos. Big, RED combs and wattles are a sign too I'm sure.
Ok, Im hatching as of last night, and Im curious also....this is what I just found online hope it helps all:

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker
It's not really easy. Some birds you can tell just by the wing feathers. But, you have to know exactly what breed you have, and what the traits are....

Easiest way (and it isn't foolproof) is to flip the bird over. Gently use a finger to pull the skin away from the vent, moving towards the belly. You have to be careful, or you can cuase the bird injury.

A female will have a dull pink flat spot. A male will have a shiny bump. Don't bet that you'll get it right every time, but it can give you a pretty good start.
3 years ago
While that is true, it is from Yahoo! Answers, and most of the people who post chicken information on there don't seem to know much about what they are talking about. For future reference, go to a more reliable source. Those people are about as reliable as Wikipedia, which we all know has to be taken with a grain of salt and checked for accuracy.


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