How To Sex A Chicken - Wisdom From An Old Timer

I have all silkies and the method I use is 100%. It Costs 10 to 20 dollars depending on the lab you use but I Dna sex my chicks. There is a Canadian pharmacy that charges 10 dollars for 1 to 9 samples so you can feather sex 9 chicks for 10 dollars. . Pretty cheap. . I have samples out on four chicks right now.. Forget the old wise tales and use science. .its 100% on sex. .
OMG this thread was hysterical!!!

But of course when I finished reading it I had to go try! My chicks are two weeks old. Supposedly all pullets. Three were sexed at Meyers and two were feather sexed by a local breeder (English Orpingtons - he showed me the difference and boy was there a difference - mind you he was not guaranteeing anything). I did two methods - holding them up and seeing if they dangle or pull up their legs and flipping them over on their backs.

Chicks 1, 2 and 3 (Sexed by Meyers) "tested" as pullets but both methods
Chicks 4 (Feather sexed) "tested" as pullet by both methods
Chick 5 (Feather sexed) "tested" as pullet by dangling method and roo by back method.

I'll let you know in a few months! But I'd have to say I put more stock in the wait for a crow or an egg!

This is what I did. Not saying it works. I'm really more of a believer in wait and see. Just thought it was funny that it turned out to predict it. 1, 2, 3 & 4 are pullets and 5 is a roo
I'm a new member on this board and as a beginner chickeneer/farmer I was surprised by all the superstition that surrounds this topic. I hear it everyday from religious people, psychics, witches, ghost hunters, palm readers, etc. I was thinking, maybe raising chickens I can get back to the basics and get away from all that and enjoy living off the land.

Nope. Well I can live off the land still but I wanted to bring up the issue of lack of evidence and show why it is important to not fall prey to these ridiculous methods I've been hearing about.

I'm surprised no one has mentioned using horoscope signs, tarot cards, pendulums(oops, someone did mention that), magic wands, crystal balls, etc, to sex the chickens. There is a reason that well-educated scientist, doctors, and scholars don't resort to these tactics. Kinda like Alternative Medicine vs Medicine. If it is proven and tested with demonstrable evidence, it's medicine. If hasn't been tested or it failed the test presented, it is alternative. There is the real way to sex chickens and then there is superstition. I want to encourage everyone to seek the truth in ANY endeavor in your life. I am doing my part by investigating various homesteading topics, chicken raising, see which are fact and fake.

I hope everyone see my post not as an attack, belittling, or arrogant. I simply want people to look at the facts that are in front of you and make a decision that way. I hope to meet and talk to many of you whom I see on here quite often. Good luck and happy egging!
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I'm a new member on this board and as a beginner chickeneer/farmer I was surprised by all the superstition that surrounds this topic. I hear it everyday from religious people, psychics, witches, ghost hunters, palm readers, etc. I was thinking, maybe raising chickens I can get back to the basics and get away from all that and enjoy living off the land.

Nope. Well I can live off the land still but I wanted to bring up the issue of lack of evidence and show why it is important to not fall prey to these ridiculous methods I've been hearing about.

I'm surprised no one has mentioned using horoscope signs, tarot cards, pendulums(oops, someone did mention that), magic wands, crystal balls, etc, to sex the chickens. There is a reason that well-educated scientist, doctors, and scholars don't resort to these tactics. Kinda like Alternative Medicine vs Medicine. If it is proven and tested with demonstrable evidence, it's medicine. If hasn't been tested or it failed the test presented, it is alternative. There is the real way to sex chickens and then there is superstition. I want to encourage everyone to seek the truth in ANY endeavor in your life. I am doing my part by investigating various homesteading topics, chicken raising, see which are fact and fake.

I hope everyone see my post not as an attack, belittling, or arrogant. I simply want people to look at the facts that are in front of you and make a decision that way. I hope to meet and talk to many of you whom I see on here quite often. Good luck and happy egging!
So which way IS scientifically proven? You mentioned one so what is it? The hatcheries must not have been informed since they always seem to mess up orders and give us roos when we don't order them.
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Feather sexin is reasonably accurate. This takes breeding a slow feathering bird with a fast feathering bird. Not all hatcheries do this with all breeds. 90% is often the statistic most given by hatcheries as to their accuracy.

Vent sexing is probably better, but time consuming and takes an extremely well trained worker, thus it raises costs. It's implied accuracy is also stated at around 90%. That leaves lots of room for error. Human error. It is not a perfect world with perfect humans.

Additionally, hatcheries dump some cockerels and ship them as body warmers. This is just a way to get rid of a few. Most will be dispatched.

So, unless one is talking sex-links, the methods employed scientifically are vent and/or feather sexing. The rest are just old tales, fables and parlor games. But, this has never stopped those who wish to play from playing.
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I always just Dna sex my chicks. I have Silkies and found a lab that sexes 1 to9 birds for only ten dollars no tax. Its accurate and easy. Just pluck a couple chest feathers. That's it.then they test the Dna off the Feather. No more guessing!! That's one sure fire way to sex. Totally accurate and only takes a couple days once the feathers are recieved. takes away all the guess work. Its really convenient.

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