How to slaughter a really big tom turkey

We did several big ones last year. Did them pretty much the same as our chickens only a person had to act as the killing cone. Hung them by their feet and one person bear-hugged them while a second cut the throat. They both ended up really bloody, but it worked fine.
I'd go with the feed sack hung up with someone holding on, like Silkiechicken and Potter mixed.

Reminds me of a time I found a blind wild turkey in the woods, old tom with warts grown over his eyes. BIG bird. I thought I'd put him out of his misery, crept up to him, knife in hand, and pounced.

The tom won. They're strong birds. He left me bleeding and bruised.
I've been wondering about this. I have 5 BB turkeys that all turned out to be toms. I don't know how much they weigh, but they're huge. And I reckon they'll be really huge by November. I usually do my own processing. But this last batch of CX roosters that I let go to 12+ weeks gave me a hard time, and they "only" dressed at 9 pounds. I may see if I can beg and grovel and get in on the turkey processing day that a small group of the local farmers do. But that means I'd have to figure out how to get 5 huge turkeys 15 miles over the mountain by 8a.m. Might be more trouble. The other problem is that I like the turkeys, darn it ! They have more personality than the chickens

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