How would you like to wake up to this?? (Pics)

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I have a cat to take care of the mouse population and she does a good job. I don't need any snakes around. As far as i'm concerned the only good snake is a dead snake. I see one in our yard I chase it down and kill it. I don't care what kind it is. I'm not gonna ask for ID first. I don't know one snake from another and i'm not gonna take the time to look it up first. We once had a 6 foot chicken snake in the house. After DH killed it, we moved.
Other than the immediate surprise snakes can give when found ... why would you be afraid? I doubt a snake can eat a whole chicken .. More power to them if they can get down one of my fatty hens.. If it's eggs your worried about that should not be a problem if they are not left out to collect into a pile. I figure its all a balancing act.. room enough for all.
Well, since we don't have a barn I don't think that applies!! And I'd like for you to tell my husband to relocate that snake...
yeah that would have gone over like a fart in church!! And as the previous poster said the only good snake is a dead one!! I have acres & acres around for them to go if they screw up and make it in my coop their a goner!! I'm just glad he had they good sense to call my son for the .22. He just got off duty and was still in uniform. I'd have hated to see what that glock would have done to my nest box!!
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Holly $#%!!!!

I couldn't quite make it out from the first photo. I thought it was baby chicks or something all huddled together. I actually recoiled when I got to the second photo.

Hope all your girls are present and accounted for and OK.
Thanks. I'll have to do that after I get off at 5. Not to worried about my big girls but I have teenagers in a smaller coop inside this one.

You know I knew something was weird yesterday evening when I went to collect eggs and the first 3 boxes were empty. That's usually where they mostly lay at. He found the snake in the 2nd box!!
I would have just re-located it,
Although my husband and kids would have screamed and run for the house and cowered in the windows and peeked from behind the curtains maybe peeing themselves, and not gone back outside until the next day. LOL, I am the only one who is not afraid of snakes in my home.
As for me the only good snake is a dead 1, I'll do my own pest control. they'll eat you're eggs and chicks (easier catch) rather than the rats anyway.
Congratulations, you just killed a fine specimen of a Grey Rat Snake, aka, Chicken Snake, completely harmless. Please be sure to send your pics to your local newspaper so they can print it and keep this tradition flowing.
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