Hubby is not doing well. long post

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I didn't mean you would, but if you got the info some one else could also, couldn't they? Glad to know Alley PM'd you after, no hard feelings.
I certainly would not harm anyone. I live in New York and don't have the money nor the personality to harm anyone. I offered to send presents to her kids to help distract them from the stress that they must be under, my phone number if she wanted a "shoulder" to lean on or just to vent and even offered to let her call me collect at any time of day or night. I'm a single mother and was trying to help lend support to someone who obviously was going through a tough time. Yes, with the Internet, it certainly is easy to find out information about someone, even about me. However, I still have faith in humankind and feel that most people try to help others through the tough times.
That's okay. I know that everyone is worried about the lack of news and when people are concerned, people worry. No hard feelings on this side either.
Lord, hear our prayers for Davy and his family. We have called upon you, Savior of all of Life, each in our own way, and we continue to offer our supplications with hope.

Yet we have no news of the troublesome events that unfolded before us and ask for Your Guidance. Forgive the errs of our struggle and do not let us call upon You in vain. But, grant the desires of our souls for the best outcome for Davy and his family.

Lord, we also ask that You Guide our hearts; grant us wisdom to serve rightly together. Give us patience to walk the right path together. Please bestow upon us strength to keep up our hope, and the wisdom to accept Your Will.

I continue to pray for Davy's improvement and the well-being of his dear wife and family.

Bumped for Okie.
Has anyone else heard from Alley via PM? If she has kept you in confidence, that is okay but please let us know if anyone else has heard from her. We are worried.

I'm praying for Davy's recovery and for strength for you, the kids and his parents to get through this.

Please remember to take care of yourself so your not run ragged and can be there for Davy and the kids.

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