Hudson Valley NY *chat thread*

This was great Lexi, thank you! I think there's 1 lavender in the bunch and possibly a couple of splashes. The rest look blue and black.
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The olive oil lady has family in Portugal. I'm not sure if she travels there to pick it up or has her family ship it to her. My friend gets it from her and sells it at local farmers markets. She charges $20 for a liter. It is the richest, most flavorful EVOO I've ever had. Ugh I miss it. Maybe I'll send one of my kids undercover to get it for me lol

where in CA did you live? I was there a couple of years ago. I fell in love with Venice Beach and wanted to stay there forever but we were only there for a couple of days before a cruise up the Pacific coast. We got on the ship in LA and stopped in Santa Barbara, SF, Oregon, Seattle and Vancouver. We went to the Chateau St. Michele and Columbia Crest wineries for one of our excursions. I want to go back!!! :hit

I lived in the LA area for 17 years (went for college and stayed). We moved back to be by family. I also was tired of the traffic, pollution, crowds, earthquakes, heat, etc. I do miss the restaurants and camping in Yosemite and surrounds. I still travel out there for work about 5 times a year though.
Thanks to everyone who came out to the chicken event yesterday. It was allot of fun to meet all the nice peeps and we have a ton of ideas of what to do to make it even better next time. This one was aimed at a pretty beginner chicken keeper, but next time I think we are join to have more for the more experienced poultry population. 

It was a great event I had a lot of fun, and I think making one for the more experienced is a great idea!
It was a great event I had a lot of fun, and I think making one for the more experienced is a great idea!
We're from CA too. Lived down town for the riots, moved to Santa Monica in time for the Earth Quake, and one or two car jacking attempts and hearing gun fire at night we decided maybe we should think of a new place to live.
I was a little upset I couldn't go to that chicken festival, sounds like everybody had a great time. My daughter had school softball in Clifton Park. Yesterday I was going to Pine Bush for school softball and my son called me to tell me that my neighbors dog came in my yard and kill one of my rooster. This was my only fear about having chickens because this dog never stays in his yard. Just can't understand why people can't keep their pets in their own yard. Called their house nobody was home left a message. Thank God it wasn't one of my hen!
I was a little upset I couldn't go to that chicken festival, sounds like everybody had a great time. My daughter had school softball in Clifton Park. Yesterday I was going to Pine Bush for school softball and my son called me to tell me that my neighbors dog came in my yard and kill one of my rooster. This was my only fear about having chickens because this dog never stays in his yard. Just can't understand why people can't keep their pets in their own yard. Called their house nobody was home left a message. Thank God it wasn't one of my hen!
OH that sux. I'm so sorry!
We're from CA too. Lived down town for the riots, moved to Santa Monica in time for the Earth Quake, and one or two car jacking attempts and hearing gun fire at night we decided maybe we should think of a new place to live.
Good move! Between natural disasters, school shootings, war, the economy, political games, etc., it seems as if the whole world is going crazy, doesn't it?
I was a little upset I couldn't go to that chicken festival, sounds like everybody had a great time. My daughter had school softball in Clifton Park. Yesterday I was going to Pine Bush for school softball and my son called me to tell me that my neighbors dog came in my yard and kill one of my rooster. This was my only fear about having chickens because this dog never stays in his yard. Just can't understand why people can't keep their pets in their own yard. Called their house nobody was home left a message. Thank God it wasn't one of my hen!

Sorry about your roo. Did your neighbor offer to make ammends / keep their dog out of your yard? What do people do in cases like that? Hope your new chicks are doing well.
Happy Sunday Funday!

Cleaned out the gardens and planted some mint near the coop. Back to work tomorrow and on vacation the rest of the week ~ DS is on spring break but he has to make up a snow day tomorrow. I have lots of projects and spring cleaning planned. No doubt I'll get distracted and fail to get it all done.

All 7 eggs hatched but I think one was what they call 'shrink wrapped' (?) It zipped but it was really stuck so my DH soaked the egg in warm water and peeled the shell off. The white membrane was dry and thicker than the other eggs (humidity issue?). The chick is a little weak but it's in the incubator cheeping like crazy so hopefully it'll be okay. Here's a couple of pictures of most of the babies. They're all a mix of blue, black and buff orpingtons

Beautiful babies!

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