Hudson Valley NY *chat thread*

We used to live in Walden with one acre which would not allow for us to keep chickens. We took our chances with a small flock and no rooster. We didn't free range our chickens but gave them a large run. No one complained and never had a problem. I would assume that taking a chance would depend on the neighbors you have. I can't imagine anyone would take issue with chickens unless they are digging up their yard. Good luck to you.
I am new to the site and starting a new flock. I have 4 Silver Laced Wyandottes; 4 Blackstar-sex-linked; 4 EE's; 2 Black Jersey Giants; 2 Barred Rocks in a brooder. They are 2 1/2 to 5 1/2 weeks old. I live in Northern Westchester (South Salem). Looking forward to getting them in the coop.
Hi! I'm new to the site, & to keeping chickens in general. We've just finished building our coop (a project 2 years in the making!!!) and I'd like to get some "older" chicks--looking to have about 6 total, I'd like them to be maybe 8-12 weeks old or even more;do people sell them that old?
I live in the Poughkeepsie area, and don't know where to get live chicks/poults. I was researching breeds & was considering Orpington, Americauna, Rhode Island Red, and Sussex--anyone know if these are available, and/or mixable in a flock?? Or have any advice as to which breeds might be best??
Thanks for Any advice! And nice to meet you!!
Not sure how far either of you would like to drive, but peeps in the NY Chicken Lover thread have some of those breeds available. There is also 2015 New York Chickenstock happening in Ava, NY and a 2015 Shark Snipers Chickenstock in NH, both coming up in May. They are gatherings of fellow chicken folk and much chicken and egg swapping, mostly all pre-sales to avoid unneeded travel stress on the fowl.
I'll try to edit and post the links when I can get to a real computer, iPod doesn't allow that right now.
Hi! I'm new to the site, & to keeping chickens in general.  We've just finished building our coop (a project 2 years in the making!!!) and I'd like to get some "older" chicks--looking to have about 6 total, I'd like them to be maybe 8-12 weeks old or even more;do people sell them that old?
I live in the Poughkeepsie area, and don't know where to get live chicks/poults.  I was researching breeds & was considering Orpington, Americauna, Rhode Island Red, and Sussex--anyone know if these are available, and/or mixable in a flock?? Or have any advice as to which breeds might be best??
Thanks for Any advice! And nice to meet you!!

I have 2 9 week old sulmtaler pairs for sale. By pairs I mean boy and girl. I'm assuming you don't want a rooster. I have chicks of altsterier, lyonnaise, merlerault, marsh daisies. I will have Ameraucana chicks in May. And possibles 5 month old blue partridge brahmas in the fall. Oh I forgot, blue black and splash Bresse chicks throughout the summer. The Sulmtalers are the only thing I have available right now that is the age you are looking for. The Ameraucanas I will have should lay a very rich blue egg not a light sky blue. Think robins egg blue. Not sure if I will have isabelle leghorns in the fall. Maybe even some Malines. I have very rare and exotic breeds mostly. If you think you might want a rooster the Sulmtaler pairs are $60 this month. Raising chickens is wonderful. Best of luck finding your perfect flock
I'm so happy to have stumbled upon this Hudson Valley Thread!!! I'm in the city but hatch like I've got acres to fill!!! I'd love some mandarin duck eggs and would pick them up if you're within reasonable distance from Ossining or the city. THANKS SO MUCH
Hello everyone! Good to find a thread for local chicken lovers in the Hudson Valley area. We are located in Glen Spey and look forward to adding more additions to the family. Currently we have Buff Orpingtons, Rhode Island Reds and I believe Rainbow Dixies. Look forward to chicken chatting with you.

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