Huge area exposed ***UPDATE 1/20/14***PICTURES

Eggecessive, I can't thank you enough for your wonderful advice!!!! The time you put into your answers!
Shout outs to everyone else!!!!
I bought a bunch of stuff that was suggested and when I get home... I will do it all!

I think my puggle may have done it cuz it could have been worse.
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You are very welcome! I am still very new at chickens but have years worth of experience treating injured birds, mostly raptors, under my belt. Wound care and broken bones were always my favorite to treat because the birds were so resilient! If you have time post a pic in a couple of days and let us know how she is doing :)
Please tell me is this looking better or getting worse? Thank you!

No smell from wound? Appears to be healing,you can see tissue is starting to grow/fill in,this will heal from the inside out. Hard to tell from picture,what is the yellow area is this antibiotic ointment or scab wet from washing wound?
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No it's not ointment
I hope it's not something bad.....I took these pictures before I put on the ointment and the ointment is clear.


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