Huh! Some buddy he is! Never presume!

x2 on not relocating. Not a good idea and might be illegal.

Couldn't you just get a big black garbage bag, put the trap (with coon inside) in the bag and tie it closed. The raccoon would just slowly fall asleep and die painlessly.
Yeah, I am reluctant to read in this section because someone usually wants it relocated, which is always a bad idea, IMO, for a variety of reasons. I am ashamed to say I used to do it.

On the other hand, I will still relocate a rat snake. Studies on other species of snake indicate they do not return.
1) Illegal to re-release raccoons in many states,

2) it will be back to your home shortly after you, if not before,

3) you will cause someone else heartache when it breaks into their coop or pen and eats thier animals!

Not a good choice! Now if you can drive deep, deep into the wilderness, at least 100 miles from any habitation, then maybe, just maybe release would be something to consider.
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I would just trap the coon, release in an open field(mine) and shoot it, thats what i do with opposums that get after my stock. Rats on the other hand, i trap, and stick the whole trap in a barrel of water, i cant open the trap and shoot em cuz they are too fast, and sticky traps are too expensive and my rats are too big.
Use a smaller gun and you won't have to let them out to shoot 'em. I stick the barrel of the .22 right through the wire. Pop! Dead. And dead bodies are easily dumped out of the trap no matter their size or the speed at which they could run when alive.
How would you like to have a plastic bag tied around your head so that you suffocated? This is not the right way to do things. If you can't kill an animal INSTANTLY then don't do it at all.
Shoot it, skin it cook it and feed it to him at a Sunday dinner without telling him. Then tell him after he's eatin it.

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